2011年3月9日 星期三

2011/3/2 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1:Loyd Grossman   Loyd Grossman  五年後決定辭去職務 因醫院餐飲從未受重視
When Loyd Grossman was appointed in 2000 to head up a £40million project to improve the quality of hospital catering he really believed he could do the job and make a difference at the same time. However he quit after five years over what he saw as a "prejudice against common sense". He argues that catering in hospitals has never been taken seriously and that there were continuous impediments against making any real changes.
(1) a national disgrace 國恥

C2: The Welsh Social Care 威爾斯三宣佈為期10年的社區照顧服務計劃  
The Welsh government have announced a 10-year plan for social services which includes a range of measures that will limit the role of individual councils in social care. These include the establishment of a cross-Wales eligibility threshold for adult social care, removing councils' power to set their own criteria, and for services to be commissioned on a regional basis.

C3: Car Park and Work: 停車費上漲對工作的影響
For anyone struggling by on low wages the rising cost of parking is having a big impact on their lives,especially for those who are regular commuters and those who are on a minimum wage.
(1) The options of transports are few and far between. (= not frequent)
(2) hefty price increase (可觀的)
(3) comman land 公共用地
(4) levy (n.) 徵收額
(5) put people off coming into town. 使...反感
C4: Water Tariffs: 英國水務監管部門Ofwat水費微幅調漲
The new Ofwat tariffs have just been released, signalling minimal price rises and therefore good news for consumers. But water, and the best way to deliver it, is still a hot topic. Pioneering schemes in London and Scotland are looking at making the chain of supply more efficient for all involved.
(1) statutory obligations :法定義務

C5: Play Station 索尼(Sony)因為與樂金(LG) 的藍光(blue ray technology) 專利糾紛 禁止PS3進口到英國  
An ongoing patent dispute between LG and Sony means that imports of PlayStation 3s have been banned from entering the country
(1) be seized by customs office 遭海關扣押 (seizure of ...)
(2) drag out 拖延過久

C6: YHA: YHA青年旅館宣佈售出旗下八個青年旅館
The YHA announces the sale of a further eight hostels including Barrow House at Derwentwater in the Lake District. Is it becoming too corporate?

