2011年3月24日 星期四

2011/3/18 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Royal Wedding Street Party  舉辦街頭派對來慶祝凱特與威廉王子皇家婚禮 並不如所想的簡單
Why holding a street party to celebrate the Royal Wedding may not prove as easy as the first thought.
The organiser who, despite pledges from the government that holding street parties to mark the Royal Wedding will be 'easier than ever', has been asked by her local council to adhere to thirty conditions - including providing her own road cones (traffic cone) and obtaining public liability insurance to the value of £5 million.
(1) conditions asked to meet: six-page document with thirty covenants. (合約)
(2) The event organizers take responsiblity for everything from food safety,noise safety and road safety.  
(3)get your neighbors to chip in the insurance.  跟鄰居保險費用
(4) Obligations put people off  使...退卻
(5) endless form-filling stringent measures and legal stuff
(6) It goes against all the whole ethos of the day. 與當天的思想違背
(6) silver jubilee 25 週年紀念日
(7) bunting: 裝飾街道用的彩紙
(8) stringent requirement <--> lax 嚴格的規範
(9) an increasingly litigious society 愛訴訟的
(10) put in your application by March 18th. 三月十八號前交出申請書

C2/C5: Dermot O'Leary 紅鼻子慈善會主持人 Dermot O'Leary 分享 慈善募款對他的影響
Red Nose Day presenter Dermot O'Leary on how walking across one of the world's harshest deserts to raise money for Comic Relief has shaped him.
(1) do it wholeheartedly
(2) whining youngster 哭哭啼啼抱怨的年輕人
(3) To use and abuse your celebrity to raise money is a sensible way of charity.
(4) unsettling 令人不安的
(5) be closely entwined with their livestock 與牲口緊密相關

C3: School Report 校園報導: 多塞特交通導護(lollipop patrols) 將有一線希望保留下來  
How an interview for the BBC's School Report has given fresh hope that Dorset's lollipop patrols will be saved
(1) lollipop lady 交通導護媽媽
(2) make provisions for.. 為...做準備
(3) The county council signs up to the BIG SOCIETY idea that the government is pushing. (還政於民的大社會概念)


C4: Oddbins: 英國最後一個獨立外賣酒的商店Oddbins 面臨經營困難
The UK's last independent off licence chain in in trouble.
(1) The company still has a heartbeat.
(2) Oddbins has the highest price per bottle compared with other off-licence stores.

C6: Train Journey from Hell: 梅林傳奇主角:理察威爾森 分享為何他要進行"調查英國火車服務"這樣艱鉅的任務
Richard Wilson, star of Merlin and One Foot in the Grave, tells us why he took on the challenge of investigating UK train services.
(1) love-and-hate relationship with trains
(2) to criss and cross the UK by train
(3) Booking in advance means tangling with voice recoginition on the phone
(4) grossly overcrowding: There aren't enough carriages, so people just sit on the loos. (= 盥洗室)
(5) be penalized for changing your mind, like getting off one stop earlier.  因為改變主意被處罰
(6) luggage rack 行李架

C7: Interviews with a Stammer: 口吃者如何準備面試?
Ashley Morrison tells us what job interviews are like when you have a stammer.
(1) Oscar-adorned film
(2) If thrown a question which has been anticipated or familiar, I will find it significantly harder to answer it. 如果被問的問題不熟悉或出乎意料之外 口吃者就比較有困難回答.
(4) shake the feeling that...
(5) Stammers have clear idea of what you want to say, and you will do well. 清楚自己想說的話 就能克服口吃問題
C8: Olympics: 五十項物品禁止攜帶進入奧運會場 包括飛盤, 手機,等
A list of fifty things you may not take to watch the Olympic games is published including frisbees and mobiles, horns and food.
(1) Objects which bear trademarks can't be allowed.


