British companies are asking for more help from the government to get money they are still owed for work they did on last year's Commonwealth Games.
(1) go massively over-budget 大量超出預算
(2) Indian government corruption 印度政府的腐敗
(3) a colossal disappointment for most Indians (a.) colossal = extremely large
(4) Logistics and broadcasting companies complain about late payments
(5) rack up 累積
(6) make disproportionately high profit out of the game
C2: Interest rates : 英國暫不調高2011/3月利率
After interest rates were kept on hold for another month, we ask what is behind the decisions made by the Monetary Policy Committee.
(1) grin and bear it: 默默忍受
(2) spell sth out ; to give a clear-cut statement 說清楚 講明白
(3) variable-rate mortgage變動利率抵押
C3: Cash for Data: 如何保護個人資料 並利用個人資料賺錢
After interest rates were kept on hold for another month, we ask what is behind the decisions made by the Monetary Policy Committee.
(1) grin and bear it: 默默忍受
(2) spell sth out ; to give a clear-cut statement 說清楚 講明白
(3) variable-rate mortgage變動利率抵押
C3: Cash for Data: 如何保護個人資料 並利用個人資料賺錢
How to take control of your personal data and make money from it.
(1) proxy 代理
(1) proxy 代理
C4: London 2012: 2012 倫敦奧運運動員運用高科技增進效能
Olympic athletes turn to technology to increase the chance of medals next year.
Olympic athletes turn to technology to increase the chance of medals next year.
(1) high-tech drive to optimize the performace
(2) It is unsporting (不光明正大的) since we need to rely on athletes' own prowess. (造詣)
(3) aggregation of marginal gains
C5: Iraqi interpreters : 伊拉克口譯因協助英軍而遭到恐嚇, 綁架甚至謀殺
在向英國政府求償無門後 他們決定採取法律行動
Face the Facts revealed how Iraqi interpreters were intimidated, kidnapped and murdered after helping British forces. Now some of them are taking legal action after failing to get compensation.
(1)be denied entry on the compensation scheme
(2) It is unsporting (不光明正大的) since we need to rely on athletes' own prowess. (造詣)
(3) aggregation of marginal gains
C5: Iraqi interpreters : 伊拉克口譯因協助英軍而遭到恐嚇, 綁架甚至謀殺
在向英國政府求償無門後 他們決定採取法律行動
Face the Facts revealed how Iraqi interpreters were intimidated, kidnapped and murdered after helping British forces. Now some of them are taking legal action after failing to get compensation.
(1)be denied entry on the compensation scheme
C6: Icorrrect: Icorrect網站讓名人有機會糾正網路上的誤解
We hear about a new website which gives people in the public eye the chance to set the record straight.
(1) warp-up
(2) be misrepresented
(3) in cyber world, so much is lopsided.
(4) libel (a.) 毀謗
We hear about a new website which gives people in the public eye the chance to set the record straight.
(1) warp-up
(2) be misrepresented
(3) in cyber world, so much is lopsided.
(4) libel (a.) 毀謗
C7: Office of Fair Trading: Price baiting enforcement 公平會開罰: Groupola 宣稱能以99英磅 購得iPhone 4 供貨數有數百台 但實際只提供8 台
The OFT has found the web service Groupola was guilty of price baiting when it claimed to have hundreds of iPhone 4's for sale at £99 when only 8 handsets were on offer.
(1) name them and shame them
C8: Fake Escort Agency: 約一萬四千人遭伴遊公司詐騙
The OFT has found the web service Groupola was guilty of price baiting when it claimed to have hundreds of iPhone 4's for sale at £99 when only 8 handsets were on offer.
(1) name them and shame them
C8: Fake Escort Agency: 約一萬四千人遭伴遊公司詐騙
Trading standards officers are trying to trace up to 14 thousand people who have fallen for a suspected internet scam.