2011年3月11日 星期五

2011/1/12 Follow the Leader: Episode 2 Listening Notes

1. Carolyn Quinn examines the psychology of leadership. Once you've secured your position as leader, how do you deal with the demands at the top?
Carolyn Quinn探討領導心理學: 一旦你當上領導者, 你如何處理問題:

(1) According to Psychology Professor Condola, one of the major differences in today's leadership is visibility because decisions are scruntinized in public far more than used to be.
(2)A good leadship involves an element of followship and listening. 
(3) The first 100 days in your office as a head in your party is crucial.
(4) come into one's grilling: face a tough grilling: 受到嚴厲的盤問
(5) Leaders should have a clear vision of how to lead the country or the company.
領導者應該有清楚願景 如何領導國家及企業
(6) Group processe: How people interact in teams:
(7) There is a mistake to imagine that leaders do the lead and followers do the follower.  Leadership and followship should go hand in hand.
(7) muttering against Camerion's leadership
(7) When you step in their shoes, the learning curve is deep.  設身處地...
(8) It is impossible to permanently lead from the front on every single issue.There is a balance to be drawn. 但領袖無法事事恭親 還是需要在領導與傾聽中獲得平衡
(9) his eyes and ears...

2. The level of media attention acrss all sectors, from politics to football, means that today's leaders are under more scrutiny than ever before. In the last episode, Carolyn explores the challenges of modern leadership, from stepping up to the top job, to stepping down. 

(10) In sports such as the high-profile of football managers, the need to deliver the result and fast is even higher. 在運動場上像是身為足球經理人, 更要能夠立即及迅速達到成效
(11) It must be an instaneous decision. 必須作出立即的決策
(12) If not your job is on the line. 如果無法達成..工作就不保
(13) Half-time talk is intended to insipre your team to victory. but it is also when your leadship is truely put to test.
(14) penalty area 罰球區 dressing room 更衣室
(15) Phil Brown  made a mistake in making his teams humilated in the public.
(16) high-profile job of football manager

3, She talks to psychologists about the dos and don'ts of successful leadership and finds out how leaders create and change their image to attract followers.

(17) Since there is no hiding place for leaders.it is more even important to be media-savvy in an era of 24-hour news.
(18) Media judgement can be quick and harsh.
(19) 85 percent is how you look; ten percent is how you say and 5 percent is what you actucally say. 85%與外表有關: 10%與你表達能力有關 所說的內容只佔5%的重要性
(20) go to great lengths to be appear to be one of us and not like the one the people are arguing against:
(21) play out the middle name of Obama which is associated with Muslin as a means of undermining his credibility.

4. The gender gap in leadership is still large. According to the 2010 Female FTSE report, produced annually by Cranfield University, female appointments to corporate boards in the UK's top companies have stalled at around 12 percent. 在領導界中 性別差距仍大

(22) Particular facial features of top-front CEOs have strong jawline which is assocaited with a masculine face.
(23) The number of  female on corporate board
(24) Leadership should be gender-balanced.

5. Research by Prof Michelle Ryan, from Exeter University, has also shown that women are more likely to be given top positions in organisations that are doing badly, when there is more chance of failure. 根據Michelle Ryan研究 女性通常在表現不佳的公司 被指派給予較高職位 因此也更容易失敗

(25) It has less to do with lack of talent but more to do with lack of confidence
(26) sexism in business communities 企業中的性別歧視
(27) glass ceiling 女性在升遷中所面對的無形障礙
(28) a glass cliff: a position that is rather risky and precarious;  teetering on the edge 搖搖欲墜
(29) The old-boys network suffers from the fear the unknown.
(30) women as teabag you don't know how strong they are until you put them in the hot water. 女性被描述為茶包 女性要接受困境考驗 才知其能力好壞與否 (因為把茶包放入熱水中 (hot water 有麻煩之意) 才知道茶的味道濃郁(strong) 與否

(31) relinquish the leadership 不情願的放棄領導權


