2011年3月8日 星期二

2011/1/5 Follow the Leader: Episode 1 Listening Notes

Carolyn Quinn looks under the bonnet of leadership in this two-part series, from business to politics and sport.Carolyn Quinn 探究企業, 政治, 到運動界的領導特質

1. What traits do you need to become a great leader? Is leadership 'in the blood' or can you train people to develop the right skills? 何種特質使你成為優秀的領導者? 領導才能是天生亦或能被訓練培養?
 (1) Why do some thrive in the sportight while others fail? Are they born with the quality or do they absorb them?
(2) dip in the toes of thr studies

2. Ming Campbell and Michael Howard reflect on their time as political leaders. Both suffered perception problems during their time at the top, from jibes about their age and looks. Developing a thick skin, they say, is the key.Ming Campbell and Michael Howard
Ming Campbell 及Michael Howard 認為厚臉皮是成功領導的關鍵

(1) Campel's view of  intrinsic qualities : self-confidence (自信) ; rise to the occasion (挺身而出) ; luck is surpremely important (運氣)
(2) give me lucky genenral; circumstances to be in the right place and at the right time
(3) inspire affection in the party, being ruthless ; likability ;
(4) respect ; get a down about it ; have a clear view of what you want to achieve
(5) well-liked in the media;  媒體寵兒
(6) leadership is about your objectives
(7) gauge public's opinion: 評估群眾意見
(8) Golden Brown is percevied as buffeted,  rather in the  control of the events
(9) feel communicated to

3. Dragon's Den investor Deborah Meaden describes herself as a 'born entrepreneur'. What does she think makes a good leader?  英國龍穴創投投資者之一的 Deborah Meaden 形容自己是天生的企業家
(Dragon's Den 是英國有名的節目 每集節目有五位企業家 用自己的商場經驗來評參賽者的提案是否有商業價值及創意 如果參賽者通過考驗 這五位企業家便入股投資 幫助參賽者夢想成真)

(1) Differnt from a manager or a good people leader, a leader is the people who've got the vision and bring people with them and impart the desire to others

4. Plato began the study of leadership in 350 BC. Since then, academics have tried to distil the ingredients for the perfect leader, but still fail to agree. Some psychologists think that it boils down to having right personality traits, others that timing is essential. 柏拉圖在西元350年前開始研究領導力 自從那時起 學界便努力歸納出領導者的特質 但至今仍莫衷一是 有些心理學家認為人格特質為基本 而有些認為時機為關鍵
(1) In 350 BC, Plato talked about those leaders who are endowened with this quality and thus set them apart from the rank and file 
(2) trait theory of leadership with which nobody can agree.
(3) a handful of tessential traits boiled down to : bright enough; emotionally stable; conscientious; tough-minderness kick-asses ; 基本領導者特質: 夠聰明 情緒穩定 勤勉認真

5. Comedian Mark Steel studied great historical leaders for his series of lectures for TV and radio and found that many rose to the top by being at the right place at the right time. They were also far from perfect, and their personal lives were disastrous.
喜劇演員Mark Stell 為其電視及廣播系列演講而研究歷史上的領導人物 他發現許多歷史領導者都是在天時地利人和下脫穎而出 這些歷史人物一點也不完美 其私生活更是一塌糊塗
(1) But one's minderness can be another's dogmatic; inflexible 
 quirky : utterly obsessed ; negative traits: more prevalent : seriously personality disorder
(2) Narcissistics 自戀的 obessive compulsive disorder ( OCD ) 強迫症
(3) have little empathy; big-heads and bullies may get the job done and rise to the top, but they never make good leaders.
(4) psychologically holding a gun at sb's head is not a process of influecen but a process of coercion.

6. Today the leadership industry - from self-help books to management courses - is a multimillion pound industry promising to turn underperforming managers into great bosses. Carolyn visits the London Management Centre to see if they can make her into a great leader.
今日, 從坊間自助得領導叢書到領導課程 領導這個產業都承諾能將表現不佳的領導者轉變成成功的老闆
 (1) Our leadership is born or made?
(2) A third of it can be attributed to genetics 1/3的領導力可歸因於遺傳
(3) retiring types: 害羞內向的
(4) mumbo jumbo 胡說八道
(5) thin on the ground 數目微小的
(6) seize the day:  carpe diem 活在當下 : Timing is also vital. 時機也成就一位領袖
(7) work like a glue and pop into the organization;
(8) Your followers matter, too.


3 則留言:

  1. 之前常聽 BBC radio 4,但大部份是聽現場直撥的.直到發現您這 blog,原來它有這麼多好玩的東西.

    可否請教您,請問您的 blog 中的文章是您的聽力筆記?還是可以在 BBC 的網站上找到 tapescripts?

  2. 粗體部份是原本bbc上面就有的簡介 下面是我自己聽到做的筆記 如果要完整script 只有少數特定節目 像是之前bbc 的 A History of One Hundred Obejcts 才有
    你直接到BBC RADIO 4 網站上 應該就找得到
    很高興有人也在收聽這樣的好節目 :)

  3. 好可惜 BBC 沒有提供完整的 script.
