2011年2月23日 星期三

2011/2/17 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Olympic Ticket Fraud 倫敦奧運售票詐騙
Announcement today on the measures being implemented to prevent ticket fraud during the 2012 Games.
(1) clamp down on these touts (=scalps) (黃牛票) and fraud tickets.(假票)
(2) be taken in 被欺騙
(3)  The genuine tickets are not available on the London Olympic website until the March of 2011. The cheapest tickets will be 20 pounds.
(4) at the face value 票面價值
(5) overlay (n.) 套圖透明膜

C2: Purple Sprouting Broccoli  紫球花椰菜短缺
Farmers have warned that crops of purple sprouting broccoli have suffered from this winter's biting frosts.
(1) cauliflower (n.) 花菜 花椰菜
(2) broccoli (n.) 綠花菜

C3: Carbon Lablelling 碳足跡標籤 碳標籤
It’s the fastest growing green label in the UK but what does it actually mean?
(1) carbon footprint label: 碳足跡標籤 碳標籤
(2) whole milk 全脂牛奶
(3) skim milk 脫脂牛奶

C4: Self Storage: 迷你倉儲不被承保  
Many customers assume they are insured when in fact they are not. And as self storage is classified as a depository (倉庫) it’s not included in your home insurance.
(1) microlight airplane 微型飛機

C5: Concerns over treatment of patients in a private hospital.
not see the wood for the trees 見樹不見林

C6:  Healthy Eating 健康飲食
The government is keen to encourage healthy eating, but opinions differ on the best way to do this. Why many people on low incomes make unhealthy food choices in the face of so much good advice.

C7: Solar Panel FIT update
The Department of Energy and Climate Change has announced it’s reviewing a scheme which offered people money for any spare energy they produced using solar panels (太陽能面板) or wind turbines.(風力發電機)

