2011年2月16日 星期三

2011/1/24 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Health Claims on Food
Despite 80 percent of being disproved, these misleading claims are still printed on the label and not removed from the packages.
(1) There is no clear evidence to back up/support the claim.
(2) Why scientists say green tea and pro-biotic (益生菌) yogurts might not bring you the health benefits they claim to.
(3) go out of the window = to stop existing
(4) Ocean Spray said how cranberry juice stops bacteria getting into urinary tract. (泌尿道)
(5) A maker of pro-biotics yogurt had a claim turned down and it maintains the immune system and upper respiratory tract infection. (上呼吸道感染)
(6) 30 other claims outstanding(未完成的) to be  dealt with.
(7) not always deliver what they promise
(8) in one go (spoken) 一舉 一下子
(9) it's not yet on the statute book (n.) 法典 ; 法規彙集
(10) dispel the myth
(11) health food products 保健食品
(12) a well-intentioned piece of legislation [U] 立意良好的法規

C2: Lightbulbs Do old-fashioned" light-bulbs really give off enough heat to keep you warm in winter
The electricity is 4 times more expensive than gas per kilowatt and in terms of carbon footprint, electricity also doubles the carbon emission.

C3: Heating Oil:
(1) figure-head (n.) 傀儡
(2) Shopping around (貨比三家) is the best way to get the best deal.
(3) subsidiary (n.) 子公司
(4) course of action [C] 處理方法
(5) be ripped off 被敲詐; be fleeced

C4: Country Court Judgements:
Listeners give their verdict on the system for small claims and hear expert advice from Joanne Lezemore of Which Legal Services. (經過檢驗或認真考慮後的)決定; 提出意見

