2011年2月25日 星期五

2011/2/23 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Google Impersonator:
Worldwide Market Solutions Limited (based in Manchester )
NetSearch Media Limited  假冒Google 谷歌名義銷售網路廣告
(sell space on its list ; more chances of being seen in the front page)
(1) Shari Vahl investigates complaints about companies claiming they are Google.
(2) website banner
(3) come to light 為人所知
(4) write it off as a bad day
(5) ligitimate and authorized Google reseller
* ask their names, ask them to send you an email and see if it is from google.com
* pass themselves off as google 假冒google

C2: Patient Feedback: 病人抱怨 NHS對待病人態度不佳 缺乏同理心
A report analysing patients' complaints about the NHS puts rude staff and lack of (=lacking in) compassion at the top of its list.
(1) Health service ombudsman report  健保申訴報告
(2) offhand manner 漫不經心的方式
(3) have the audacity to tell... 大膽...
(4) A hundred good experiences are cancelled out by one really poor one.  (被...抵銷)

further reading: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/joepublic/2011/feb/15/poor-treatment-older-people-nhs

C3: Vegetarian Food: 英國超市重新標示包裝素食以吸引非素食主義者
Supermarkets are re-packaging and re-branding their vegetarian ready meals so they'll appeal to people who are not vegetarian.
(1) Vegetarian has been brought into mainstream (主流)
(2) label it prominently as vegetarian 清楚明顯標示...
(3) ethically got it right

C4: Turkey Hydro-electric 土耳其新興建的水力發電廠 將殃及羅馬遺址  
Controversy in Turkey over plans to build hydro-electric plants (水力發電廠) which some fear may put Roman ruins at risk.

further imformation: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/10/06/allianoi.flooding/index.html

C5: Bus Cut: 英國偏遠地區公車服務範圍縮減
As local authorities announce their budgets, we examine the impact of the cuts to bus services.
(1) mitigate the effect 減輕影響
(2) scale back 縮減
(3) Local people in North Yorkshire  are bidding to take over the running of their own buses using a new Government transport fund.
(4) hot spot
(5) Big Society 英國保守黨首相 David Cameron所提出 自由主義 還政於民的概念

C6: Biba (英國60, 70年代受歡迎的成衣品牌)
There are two Biba inspired collections in the shops for spring- we hear from the woman who created the original Biba label.


2011年2月24日 星期四

2011/2/21 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: EU Timeshare Regulation 歐洲分時渡假法規將在英國 2011/2/23生效
The timeshare industry seems to have attracted more than its fair share of rogue traders in the past.
(1) high pressure sale = hard selling 強行推銷
(2) rogue traders 不肖交易員
(3) unscrupulous (不道德的) salesperson
(4) stamp sth out: 消滅
(5) blanket coverage
(6) emotional purchase 衝動購買
(7) 14-day cooling-off period  14天冷靜期 等待期
C2: Charity Muggers:人見人怕的慈善募捐人士 (=chuggger)
Manchester City Council has restricted street fundraising in the city to three days a week, but how much money to these "charity muggers" - or "chuggers" - actually raise?
(1) be harrassed 被騷擾
(2) sign up the direct debit 簽署銀行直接扣款書
(3) give one-off donation 一次性捐款

C3: Shops as Showrooms: 商店成為展銷廳 (精明savvy消費者到商店逛, 之後再回家上網比價購買)
A fifth of online purchases are accompanied by in-store research according to a new survey, which suggests we are using shops as product showrooms.
(1) defensible (a.) 有正當理由的

C4: Parking Charges: 英國停車收費各地價差大  
The cost of parking varies from area to area in the UK, a survey by Which? reveals, as they encourage us to appeal parking tickets (提出停車罰單申訴) we are given.

C5: Brazilian Blow Dry /Smoothing Hair Treatment: 
They promise to transform frizzy hair (卷髮) into smooth glossy locks  for up to 12 weeks but are they safe?
(1) formaldehyde 甲醛
C6: Car Panel:
It’s been a difficult couple of years for the car industry, but that’s not stopped them from developing new technologies.
A look ahead at tomorrow's Call You and Yours on the subject of debt.
(1) self-employed 自行創業的

C8: Peter in Afirca:
Peter is trekking between rural villages in the Kaisut Desert in Northern Kenya for Comic Relief.


2011/2/18 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Car Hire: Decode Hire Company Scam /Con 汽車租賃公司 (car rental)詐騙
Car hire brokers who refused refunds after failing to secure promised rentals are shut down by the Insolvency Service.
(1) be taken into the High Court and forced into liquidation.

C2: Football Rights:  
The Sunderland chairman Niall Quinn has said he "despises" fans who watch matches in pubs on illicit foreign satellite feeds. So is he right to criticise those propping up (支持) the bar instead of his club?
(1) satellite decoders: 衛星解碼器
C3: Scratch Cards 刮刮樂:
Companies which promise prizes where no genuine win is involved are found to be in breach of the law. (違法)
(1) claim one's prize: 領獎
(2) It doesn't worth the hassle.
(3) unlawful = illegal 非法的

C4: Celebrity Voices 名人配音真的能吸引更多觀眾嗎?
Do famous actors who lend their voices to animated characters really bring in the box office crowds?
(1) to dub: 配音 to voice
(2) set the trend: 開啟風潮
(3) safety net : 保障措施
(4) huge time commitment 極大的時間花費
(5) suspend the belief
(6) trailer :預告片

C5: Royal Wedding Tourism: 王室婚禮旅遊
With only four hundred accredited (官方認可的) hotel rooms, how can the Isles of Scilly cope with the increased demand fuelled by Royal honeymoon rumours?
(1) influx 人潮湧入
(2) be booked up 訂購一空

C6: Video Game Age Classification: 電玩分級制度
By the end of the year, it will be illegal for all types of video game to be sold to people who are under age, as a single way of rating their suitability is to be introduced.
(1) The age rating system is shaky. 分級制度搖搖欲墜
(2) gross violence
(3) legally enforceable 法律強制...


2011年2月23日 星期三

放空 恍神 英文怎麼說

放空 英文怎麼說: (1) to space out / (2) to veg out
(1) v.intr. Slang (俚語)
To be or become stupefied or disoriented. Often used with out:
I was supposed to meet her, but I spaced out and forgot. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/space
(2) veg out  vb vegges, vegging, vegged 恍神 英文怎麼說: to wander
(intr, adverb) Slang chiefly US to relax in an inert passive way; vegetate vegging out in front of the television set
His thoughts wandered back to her youth.

2011/2/17 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Olympic Ticket Fraud 倫敦奧運售票詐騙
Announcement today on the measures being implemented to prevent ticket fraud during the 2012 Games.
(1) clamp down on these touts (=scalps) (黃牛票) and fraud tickets.(假票)
(2) be taken in 被欺騙
(3)  The genuine tickets are not available on the London Olympic website until the March of 2011. The cheapest tickets will be 20 pounds.
(4) at the face value 票面價值
(5) overlay (n.) 套圖透明膜

C2: Purple Sprouting Broccoli  紫球花椰菜短缺
Farmers have warned that crops of purple sprouting broccoli have suffered from this winter's biting frosts.
(1) cauliflower (n.) 花菜 花椰菜
(2) broccoli (n.) 綠花菜

C3: Carbon Lablelling 碳足跡標籤 碳標籤
It’s the fastest growing green label in the UK but what does it actually mean?
(1) carbon footprint label: 碳足跡標籤 碳標籤
(2) whole milk 全脂牛奶
(3) skim milk 脫脂牛奶

C4: Self Storage: 迷你倉儲不被承保  
Many customers assume they are insured when in fact they are not. And as self storage is classified as a depository (倉庫) it’s not included in your home insurance.
(1) microlight airplane 微型飛機

C5: Concerns over treatment of patients in a private hospital.
not see the wood for the trees 見樹不見林

C6:  Healthy Eating 健康飲食
The government is keen to encourage healthy eating, but opinions differ on the best way to do this. Why many people on low incomes make unhealthy food choices in the face of so much good advice.

C7: Solar Panel FIT update
The Department of Energy and Climate Change has announced it’s reviewing a scheme which offered people money for any spare energy they produced using solar panels (太陽能面板) or wind turbines.(風力發電機)

2011/2/16 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Interest Rates: 英國銀行利率將調高
The Governer of the Bank of England has hinted that interest rates will rise and if you have either a mortgage or savings this will affect you.
(1) monetary policy 貨幣政策
C2: Ash Cloud Insurance:
A former lawyer has won compensation from his insurance company after he was stranded because of the volcanic ash cloud last year.
(1) time frame 一段時間
(2) make claims against BA
(3) Are ash clouds included in bad weather conditions? Insurance contracts cover all sorts of different wording.
(4) legal precedent 法律前例

C3: Chargers: 所有手機充電器將統一規格 通用任何手機
The mobile phone companies have agreed to manufacture a universal charger which can be used in any new phone. The micro usb charger will be compatible with all newly produced mobiles.
(1) Most thrown-away chargers end up in landfills. (掩埋場)

C4: 花園石像銷售上揚
Sales of garden gnomes (守護神石像) are up and Tesco are selling them for the first time. Now we're even seeing them appear in posh (elegant and expensive) garden shows. We investigate their appeal.
(1) Garden gnomes are coming back in fashion.
(2) There is no accounting for taste. 人各有所好
(3) gnome kidnapping
(4) compromise one's impartiality
(5) lighthearted relief
C5: Mobility Aids: 行動輔具 (助行器)
Companies selling stair lifts, (坐椅式升降器) wheel chairs (輪椅) and mobility scooters (電動代步車)are being investigated by the Office for Fair Trading. We hear why they are concerned.
(1) reputable companies 可信賴的公司

C6: Farepak: Farepak 公司在2006年10月倒閉
Nine former directors of the failed Christmas hamper company (聖誕禮物公司)Fairpack could be barred from running any other company ever again.
* Farepak 會發行一種像票券(voucher)的儲值卷 讓人每月強迫儲蓄 以便聖誕節有錢購買禮物給親朋好友

(1) public outcry 公眾的強烈抗議
(2) Banks should also be held accountable for pulling a plug on the company.

C7: Fairtrade logo 公平交易標籤
It’s been described as the gold standard of ethical labels. So what does the Fairtrade Mark stand for?
(1) paying extra for quality or brand name.

C8: 歐洲市面上的玫瑰來自肯亞 但是當地的玫瑰種植威脅Lake Naivasha
Seven out of ten roses sold in supermarkets across Europe come from Kenya. The majority are grown around Lake Naivasha. But this is threatening the ecosystem around the lake.
(1) hydroponics (n.) 水栽法
(2) Fair Trade doesn't necessariliy involve sustaniblility.


2011年2月17日 星期四

2011/2/14 Woman's Hour Listening Notes

C1: 國家名勝古蹟國民信託過度迪士尼化? 或不夠平民化?
Over a hundred years old, the National Trust has an unrivalled portfolio of over 350 historic houses, gardens and ancient monuments as well as miles and miles of coastland, islands, castles, nature reserves, farmland and villages. But how happy is the general public with the National Trust? Is it too elitist or is it, at some critics claim, trying too hard in its outreach programme and becoming “Disneyfied” in the process. And what does it have to say about the government’s proposals to sell off 637,000 acres of woodland? Dame Fiona Reynolds who has just celebrated her tenth year as director general of the National Trust, joins Jane in the studio.
(1) touch the nerve 觸及痛處
(2) aristocratic 貴族的
(3) consultation paper 諮詢文件
(4) rumblings about the opening hour 對開放時間有所抱怨
(5) the very fabric of society 社會結構

C2: 為何米其林名廚的女性少之又少?
This year’s awarding of Michelin stars saw a record total go to women chefs: 11. But that is still from a total of 143. Is the profession really changing – becoming more women-friendly? Are different ways of cooking and of running a restaurant being recognised – or should more women be prepared to take the full-on heat in the kitchen?
(1) Michelin-starred chefs 米其林名廚
(2) Your first star is about what you put on the plate, seasonality, consistency (一致性 )
(3)  Two or three stars are  individual chefs and identifiable by their food.
(4)  male's experimental thing

C3: 安娜妮可史密斯 前花花公子玩伴女郎的一生被改編為歌劇
Anna Nicole Smith was the waitress who became a Playboy pin-up (半裸模特兒) and octogenarian (八旬) billionaire's wife, before dying penniless at 39. Her story has been turned into an opera, commissioned by the Royal Opera House. How much is the story of Anna Nicole a modern morality tale for women of our time? Jane will be joined Fiona Maddocks, Music Critic of the Observer and Kathryn Flett a journalist and broadcaster.
(1) the caricature (醜化; 誇張的描述) of the glorious life
(2) be reduced to bare bones (梗概)

C4: 掉眼淚所代表的意義
Many people report that having a good cry makes them feel better. But for some shedding a tear is so hard. The comedian Jo Brand can laugh but she can’t cry. In a new documentary, ‘For crying out loud’, she goes in search of the secrets behind the tears, and why it appears we are all crying in public now. Jane is joined by Jo Brand and Dr Thomas Dixon, Senior Lecturer in History at Queen Mary, University of London and Director of the Centre for the History of the Emotions and the clinical psychologist Dr Cecilia d'Felice
(1) Our increasingly sentimental sociey
(2) lay a cards on the table = to tell sb honestly what your ideas are.
(3) be an easy weeper 愛哭鬼 weepy (a.) 動不動就哭的 ; (n.) 催淚的電影戲劇= tear jerker
(4) emphatically 斷然地
(5) manufactured and manipulated tears; cheap tears
(6) a cut-off 界限
(7) follow suit 仿傚
(8) inauthentic (a.) 虛假的
(9) Brits are said to be stoic, (堅忍的) strained
(10) the phrase keep a stiff upper lip (沉著不外露) is attached to Brits' spirits.
(11) penitence 愧疚
(12) hold tears back 抑制眼淚

2011年2月16日 星期三

2011/2/11 Woman's Hour

C1: 布克獎頒發特別獎給已逝的Beryl Bainbridge 貝蘿.班布里奇
Discussion on Beryl Bainbridge being put forward for a special posthumous Man Booker prize. (a.) 死後發生...
For Dame Beryl Bainbridge, the Man Booker Prize was a case of always the bridesmaid, never the bride. The acclaimed author was shortlisted a record five times, but never won. But organisers of the prize are to remedy the situation by asking readers to vote for one of her shortlisted novels to be awarded a special prize called The Man Booker Best of Beryl.
(1) comedies that ended in tragedies

C2:  Are children's behavioural problems being over-medicalised?  利他能是否被濫用?
Educational Psychologist Dave Traxson says there is an alarming reliance on medicating children who are being over prescribed strong drugs for conditions like ADHD and even mild social anxiety. The 2008 NICE guidelines on the diagnosis and management of children with ADHD states that Ritalin should be avoided wherever possible and not given at all to the under-fives. Are too many children being overprescribed for behavioural problems?
(1) Ritalin (n.)利它能 the chemical cosh
(2) stimulus of child's central nervous system 刺激小孩的中樞神經系統
(3) amphetamine 安非他命 Its street name: speed
(4) There is an exponential (愈來愈快) increase in using medication to solve mild  anxiety.
(5) categorically (adv.) 斷然地 
(6) Ritalin should not be used as a first-line treatment. 利他能不應該被當做第一線的治療法

C3: married names:
(1) given name (=first name) 名
(2) surname (姓)
(3) adopt the husband's first name 冠夫姓
(4) keep maiden name 女子的娘家姓

C4:  女性在墨西哥革命扮演的角色
It’s one hundred years since the start of the Mexican Revolution, the first social revolution of the 20th century. Historians have tended to ignore the mass participation of women at all levels in the Revolution, not just as camp followers and cooks but also as soldiers, spies and propagandists.

C5: 史上最年輕的黑人女性Carlene Firmin 獲頒大英帝國勳章(the MBE= the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)
Carlene Firmin is one of the youngest black women to be awarded the MBE. This week she received the award from the Palace for her services to girls and women. At 27 she has built a reputation for spearheading research on young people and for campaigning on gang violence and the issues affecting girls. Last year a report she led on gang violence “Female Voice in Violence” made headlines when it revealed that rape was being used "as a weapon of choice" against women associated with gangs.


2011/1/24 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Health Claims on Food
Despite 80 percent of being disproved, these misleading claims are still printed on the label and not removed from the packages.
(1) There is no clear evidence to back up/support the claim.
(2) Why scientists say green tea and pro-biotic (益生菌) yogurts might not bring you the health benefits they claim to.
(3) go out of the window = to stop existing
(4) Ocean Spray said how cranberry juice stops bacteria getting into urinary tract. (泌尿道)
(5) A maker of pro-biotics yogurt had a claim turned down and it maintains the immune system and upper respiratory tract infection. (上呼吸道感染)
(6) 30 other claims outstanding(未完成的) to be  dealt with.
(7) not always deliver what they promise
(8) in one go (spoken) 一舉 一下子
(9) it's not yet on the statute book (n.) 法典 ; 法規彙集
(10) dispel the myth
(11) health food products 保健食品
(12) a well-intentioned piece of legislation [U] 立意良好的法規

C2: Lightbulbs Do old-fashioned" light-bulbs really give off enough heat to keep you warm in winter
The electricity is 4 times more expensive than gas per kilowatt and in terms of carbon footprint, electricity also doubles the carbon emission.

C3: Heating Oil:
(1) figure-head (n.) 傀儡
(2) Shopping around (貨比三家) is the best way to get the best deal.
(3) subsidiary (n.) 子公司
(4) course of action [C] 處理方法
(5) be ripped off 被敲詐; be fleeced

C4: Country Court Judgements:
Listeners give their verdict on the system for small claims and hear expert advice from Joanne Lezemore of Which Legal Services. (經過檢驗或認真考慮後的)決定; 提出意見

2011年2月15日 星期二

閃電結婚 英文怎麼說 sudden marriage / hasty marriage/ whirlwind romance

1. Hamasaki Ayumi announced sudden marriage: 濱崎步宣佈閃婚

2. Carla Sarkozy defends 'hasty marriage'

義大利前名模Carla 與法國總統沙克奇閃電結婚
成為其第三任妻子 為閃婚辯解


3. Quote from William Shakespeare: Hasty marriage seldom proveth well. (King Henry VI, Part III, Act IV )

4. shotgun marriage 奉子成婚
5.閃電結婚  whirlwind romance  http://english.enorth.com.cn/system/2009/06/15/004091473.shtml

2011/2/15 You and Yours Listening Notes

Prince William's wedding in April: 伴郎 best man; 伴娘 maid of honor
C1: Blue Badge System
The government is announcing its plans to reform the Blue Badge parking system for disabled people in England.
(1) There has been a lot of unhappiness about too many badges given out about their fraudulent use and how easy it is to get away misusing it.
(2) be cross about
(3) forged (偽造的) fake badge, not genuine
(4) a more rigorous inspection 更嚴謹的檢核
(5) The cover cost of issuing an electronic one is 10 pounds;
(6) a lack of enforcement;

C2: Terms and Conditions (合約條件) that online shops insist we sign.
civil law [U] 民法 ; criminal law [U] 刑法
delivery man : 快遞人員
C3: Wood Labels:
(1) The tree logo from the Forest Stewardship Council is on tens of thousands of products.
(2) a guarantee that any wood used in products came from sustainably managed forest.
(3) be thoroughly audited 被仔細審核
(4) But some people think that FSC has lost its credibility. 但有人認為FSC失去其公信力

C4: Mobile Phone:
The new EU law about contract lengths which will come in effect in May 2011 and the latest product launches from the Mobile World Congress.
1. 12-month contract is the norm.
Mobile World Trade in Barcelona:
2. Samsung launched its big rival to i-Phone, the galaxy S, the world's slimmest smart phone.
2, to rival iphone: to load up the features for that elusive coolness factor.
3. Nokia is the biggest handset makers, but now it's floundering (掙扎) because i-Phone and Android are eating into it.
4. Nokia's system might be sidelined. (被排擠在外)

C5: Face the Facts recently looked into the GMC and delays to the 'revalidation scheme', an MOT for doctors. The health select committee has now put pressure on the organisation to speed up the process.
1. There have been too many cooks around the broth. (人多手雜)

C6: A modern love story - told with help from the nation's PR companies.
1. Breaking up with your partner may cement your relationship.

C7: Gold Through the Past:
Five companies that offer to buy your unwanted gold jewellery through the post face are facing action by the Office of Fair Trading.

2011年2月14日 星期一

犯太歲 安太歲 點光明燈 英文怎麼說

to offend Taisui 犯太歲
to worship the Taisui 安太歲 ( literally: to pacify the Taisui)
light lanterns 點光明燈

According to the Web site of the Lugang Mazu Temple in Changhua County, people born under the years of the rabbit, rooster, rat, and horse should worship the Taisui (安太歲) of the year of the rabbit in order to pray for good fortune and avoid misfortune.


酒駕 肇事逃逸 .. 英文怎麼說

肇事逃逸  hit-and-run

British national arrested for fatal hit and run

Zain Dean, chief executive officer of NCL Media Taiwan office, was arrested on Saturday after being involved in a hit-and-run accident.


酒駕: drunk- driving 或 D.U.I. (driving under the influence)

Police crackdown on drunk driving to go on after New Year

Government transport officials and law enforcement agents have stepped up roadside inspections (加強路檢) to reduce possible accidents caused by drink-driving.


代理駕駛: substitute driver
酒測站: standard sobriety checkpoint

烏魚子 英文怎麼說

烏魚子: mullet roe
Mullet roe is a delicacy for many Taiwanese during the Chinese New Year.
roe: 魚卵 
比較: caviar: 魚子醬 通常是用sturgeon (鱘魚)的卵加工(processed)做成的

2011/2/11 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Which? Super Complaints:
The consumer organisation Which? is about to launch a ‘super complaint’ about the charges levied on consumers using their credit or debit cards.
1. consumer empowerment
2. rant about
3. cash-back credit card
4. The No.1 complaint is budget airline card fees.

Should Premiership clubs provide refunds on 'named' shirts when a star player moves on/switch sides?
1. spare a thought:
2. replacement for the shirt

C3: Martin Lewis:
Consumer champion and moneysavingexpert Martin Lewis tells us about his new campaign to turn young people into savvy consumers.
1. financially illiterate 金融文盲
2. national disgrace 國恥
3. to frame the boring language into what people might be interested in
4. It is absolutely wrong to have no compulsory financial education in school.
5. to impart knowledge to students

C4: Product Placement in Films: 電影中的置入性行銷
Many of the films nominated for Oscars this year feature well-known brands quite prominently. Product placement is a multi-million pound industry and we ask why it is worth so much to some companies.

C5: Misleading Promotion:
The Advertising Standards Agency has upheld complaints against three companies in recent weeks.
1. cracking down on promotions and adverts that aren't what they seem.
2. price guarantee
3. think sth through ; think it cynically

C6: Organic Label: 有機食品標籤
The Soil Association certifies the majority (about 80%) of organic food sold in the UK. Find out how it operates and what it guarantees with its label.
1. ban on GM ; proven to be good to bio-diversity ; chemical-free ; better-tasting
2. To some extent, the claims on the organic food have been oversold. (過份吹噓)
3. Organic food did not have more nutrients in it than conventionally farmed food.
4. comply with EU standards


2011年2月13日 星期日

2011/2/10 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Ofcom must do more to protect the public from silent calls and more to help them to switch the telecom providers.
Companies that make automated silent calls face fines of up to 2 million pounds.
It is practically impossible to assess whether the industry regulator is value for money

C2: Online Divorces: 線上離婚網站
You never really know a man until you divorce him.
More people may be turning to websites instead of solicitors to get a divorce because legal aid is cut.
pitfalls and risks 陷阱與風險
non-contested or uncontested divorces 協議離婚

C3: Freedom Food: 消費者對自由食品認證有所誤解
Ethical labling is complex and confusing for shoppers.
People hold misconception about Freedom Food that it is free-range (放養) or organic.

C4: Fragrance Price Rise (even by 400% percent !!)

The cost of fragrance is rising, which could impact on prices - everything from washing-up liquid to hand cream.
The increased price is inevitably passed down to the chain of the consumers.
take a whiff of ..


2011年2月11日 星期五

2011/2/9 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: We report from the Houses of Parliament where disabled people and representatives from 40 charities are protesting at plans to cut money they get for help in getting around.
(1) leave them stranded in the care home
(2) mobility component cut
(3) sign the motion: 簽署提議
C2: cashback deal 回饋金
The collapse of a mobile phone retailer has left many of its customers frustrated and out of pocket. (損失錢財)

Johnnie Boden founded the company in his name in 1991. Last year the Boden clothing business made a profit of nearly £29m and is now estimated to be worth £500m.

C4: Northern Ireland Water:
After tens of thousands of people went without running water in Northern Ireland, John Waite speaks to the author of a review into the province’s infrastructure.

Maria Miller, Minister for Disabled People, discusses the planned cuts to the 'mobility component’ of the Disability Living Allowance for some people living in care homes.
Johnnie Boden discusses the growth of his clothing business with Winifred Robinson.
(1) second nature 習性
(2) fickle fashion
Do you find ethical labels useful or just confusing. A Government report out this week examines how they can be improved.


2011/2/7 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: First time buyer: lack of flexibility in today's mortgage system 房貸
The housing minister, Grant Shapps, is to meet mortgage lenders to hear why they are giving first time buyers such a hard time and what they are doing to give them a better deal.
low interest rate environment 低利環境
Even if you have 20% of the deposit, it is hard for you to get the mortgage.
C2: Movie Database:
We hear from the founder and CEO of the Internet Movie Database or IMdb, Col Needham. He talks about how he built it up to become one of the world's top internet sites and how it is funded.
(1) possession of movies like Jaws (大白鯊) and Star War.
(2) There is a wikipedia element in the database.
(3) bugbear= a thing that annoys people
C3: Gilbert Deya : An update on a story we first broke in 2004 when Face the Facts discovered a South London preacher claiming he could make infertile (不孕) women pregnant through the power of prayer.
(1) child abduction: 誘拐兒童
(2) lose the high court appeal
C4: Travel to Egypt: 
(1) self-contained: 自給的
(2) dicey= risky
(3) Birts, like Germans, will still book holidays on the strength of price. (在...的影響下)
C5: Store Layouts: 商店陳設:
How important is the layout of stores in making you spend money? New research shows that they are a key factor in encouraging even the most hardened shoppers into submission. 使...屈服
(1) signboard: 招牌 廣告牌
(2) trolley (BrE) = cart (AmE)
(3) straw poll (BrE)= straw poll (AmE) 非正式民意調查
C6: Film Distribution:
Often individual films are released at different times around the world. We discuss whether it would be possible to get them released everywhere at the same time.
discrepancy in the release time
C7: Customer Satisfaction:
Customer service in the UK is often vilified (=maligned) (中傷毀謗) but a recent survey suggests it is getting better.
(1) There is no room for complacency. (不容自滿)
(2) self-service: 自助的
(3) scowl = an angry expression 不悅的臉色
(4) at a knockdown price: 低廉的價格

2011年2月10日 星期四

2011/2/4 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Atol Protection:
The Department for Transport has announced that atol protection will be extended to cover more passengers.
(1) pick and choose: 精挑細選
(2) insolvency = bankruptcy
C2: Child-free flight:
Passengers can pay a premium to take a child-free flight without the wailing sound of infants.

Ninety per cent of the contracts to make 2012 merchandise have gone to British companies but most of them will manufacture abroad.
The search to find the best front of house service staff has come to an end. We talk to the winners of Michel Roux's Service about their experiences on the programme and what lies ahead for them.
C6: Why are some hotel hairdryers so limp, flat and lifeless that they leave your hair looking... limp, flat and lifeless!
C7: blu-ray: high definition 高解析度

2011/2/3 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: The Advocate-General who advises the European Court has said that pubs cannot be stopped from screening live matches with foreign satellite signals and decoders. (解碼器)
(1) have legal weight
(2) serve sb. well 對..大有幫助
(3) have a stranglehold on sth. 壟斷 = have an absolute monopoly
Many schools have decided to opt out of the service which provides a top up of the school permanent library, or in some cases, where there is no school library at all.

C3: The authorities in Beijing have introduced a lottery for registration plates in a bid to ease congestion on the roads. This has had a catastrophic effect on the second hand car market.

C4: The author of a new book, 'A Guide to Non-Cash Reward,' Michael explores how to incentivise staff using other means than cash and how that results in better customer service.
source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00y2f22#p00dvhc5