(1) Short shelf life cakes and quiches selling in big name high street supermarkets are products that contain liquid eggs containing dioxins.
(2) These egg products contaminated by dioxins may well have already been eaten. 這些遭戴奧辛汙染的蛋製品很可能已經被吃下肚了
(3) consignment (n.) [C] 運送物 [U] 發送
(4) home processed 在國內加工處理
(5) all along = all the time= from the beginning
(6) Liquid eggs are diluted in cooking, and therefore dioxin is reduced even further.
液態蛋在烹飪時會被稀釋 因此會進一步減低戴奧辛的量
(7) animal feed 動物飼料
(8) very stringent code(s) of practice 嚴格的行業規則
(9) contaminant (n.) 污染物
(1) Chef Michel Roux Junior talks about why great service matters as much as great food. His new reality TV programme on BBC 2 - Michel Roux's Service - will train members of the public to provide impeccable front of house service. Plus, he shares his views on celebrity chefs and the pressures of earning that coveted third Michelin star. 米其林名廚 Michel Roux 談論為何好的服務跟好的餐點同等重要 他將在BBC 2 頻道新開播的實境節目Michel Roux's Service 中 訓練一般民眾如何提供完美的外場服務 此外他也和大家分享他對名廚的看法以及他因贏得夢寐以求的米其林三星所承受的壓力
(2) Dirty cup rims and unpolished glasses are more than a telltale early sign;(顯示問題的徵兆) it's a red rag to a bull.(令人忿怒的事)
(3) close/dear/near to one's heart: 為...所重視關心
(4) mediocre (a.) 平庸的
(5) People just go through the motions of doing sth: 做表面功夫 but I want more passion.
(6) be made for the job 適合做...工作 = be meant for ...
(7) climb up the ladder 升遷
(8) a trainee (n.) 實習生 apprentice (n.) 學徒
(10) a lowly job (n.) 地位低的 = humble
(11) bow and scrape = to be too polite to an important person in order to gain their approval. (鞠躬哈腰) servitude [U] 任人差遣的狀態
C3: backlist (n.) 庫存書目錄
(1) aural flavour 聽覺的
* five senses: 英文五個感官:
聽覺(hearing) 嗅覺(smell; olfactory) 觸覺(touch;tactile) 味覺(taste; gustatory) 視覺(sight ; visual)
(2) cast their eyes to the horizon to predict the prospect
(3) political pundits 政治名嘴
(4) belately (adv.) 遲來地
C5: Olympic Legacy: 2012倫敦奧運能帶來常遠的體育 經濟 文化 環境上的效益 而不會成為無用的累贅之物 (white elephants)
(1) venue (n.) 音樂廳 體育比賽場館 會場
(2) pavillion (n.) a temporary building at public events and exhibitions
(3) be bullish (a.) = confident and hopefu; about the future
(4) pass on the legacy to East London
(5) lend itself to sth: 適合於...
(6) a stupid slip of tongue 愚蠢的口誤 a slip of pen 筆誤
(1) be attuned to = be familiar with sb/sth so that you can understand or recognize them or it and act in an appropiate way. 熟悉 習慣
(2) raise the bar 提高標準
(3) Taking over from your parents is never easy because of the expectations. 繼承父業
(4) a loaded question 帶有圈套的問題
(5) seasonality [U] 當季
(6)comfort food [U] 懷舊撫慰人心的食物
C7: a nine days' wonder 轟動一時的人物 曇花一現