C1: The Flu Jab and Children : The Dept. of Health didn’t include under 5s its flu vaccination prog.英國免費新流感疫苗方案不提供給五歲以下小孩
(1) Routine vaccination against seasonal influenza is not included in normal programme for children under 5. But last year was exceptional becasue it was part of pandemic control.
(2) ILI = Influenza-Like Illness 類流感疾病
(3) The uptake of the vaccine is so poor probably because we underestimate the flu.
(4)Children are a vehicle of the transmission of the flu in the population and super spreader.
(5) The safest course is to reimmunizeyour children if your kids were vaccinated last year.
C2: Typing -v- Handwriting 打字 & 手寫
(1) The noise was horrendous becasue all of us were hammering away at it :努力做...
(2) to hinder our ability to transfer our thoughts into words; hinder the creative process
(3) print out the hard copy
(4) hand-written manuscripts
(5) Facebook and Twitter are an absolute time-eater and distraction.
C3: Fitness Recidivist (累犯) ; serial gym slacker
(1) tips to stay motivated and focused
(2) Exercising is such a chore. (= an unpleasant or boring task)
(3) high spot : 最愉快重要的部分
(4) to find your magical ten minutes
(5) to fail to stick to our New Year's resolution of exercising more
(6) transfer your membership to other branches or cancel your membership
(7) pick up your resolve to exercise
C4: Noor Inayat Khan 間諜公主http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00x7830#p00d593b
(1) Noor Inayat Khan was a British secret agent, executed by the Nazis during World War Two. She was a spy for the famous Special Operations Executive, the SOE. Now there's a fund raising campaign to erect a statue in her honour. Sheila talks to her official biographer, Shrabani Basu, about why Noor Inayat Khan should become the first Muslim, and also first Indian, woman to have her own monument in this country.
(2) work undercover
(3) be in chains and shackles 戴手銬腳鐐