2011年1月6日 星期四

2011/1/5 You&Yours Listening Notes

C1: X-Box Kinect: 微軟推出 的Kinect 導致X-Box 360 (console) 故障
The problems are only a coincidence. (但微軟宣稱該故障為巧合)
be launched with enormous fanfare.
The screen began freezing randomly. 畫面不時定格
red ring of death (死亡紅環) 為X-box 掛點的訊號
be under warranty 在售用服務期內 <---> The warranty has already expired.
robust testing

C2: Chip and Pin: 銀行要求劍橋大學將破解晶片個人密碼的研究論文移除網站
breach the chip and pin security (破解晶片個人密碼)
in simple terms
compromise the pin
plug the security gap 填補安全性缺口
dissemination 傳佈

C3: HMV will close 60 stores and cut jobs.
英國HMV 將關閉60家店及裁員
mixed pictures
C4: On-line health information
在網路搜尋醫療問題時 要確認資料來源  (check the source which has the Information Standard)  http://www.theinformationstandard.org/

C5: Business Review
electrical stores 電器行
high penetration of the flat screen 順利開拓平面電視市場

C6: Care workers are exploited by dishonest recruitment agencies 不法的仲介機構剝削護理人員

C7: Flu caused 39 deaths and 700s in intensive care this spring in the UK   英國流感造成39死亡及700多人重症加護
keep fingers crossed 祈求好運
strain H1N1 09 = pandemic strain of swine flu 流感病株為 H1N1 09
claim new victims 奪走...
Who should get the flu jab : get the flu injection 接受流感預防接種
(1) diabetes ; long-standing lung or kidney illness
(2) women with pregancy
(3) those aged over 65
(4) those with weak immune system

Warning sign of deterioriating:
breathing difficulty 呼吸困難 which might cause pneumonia 肺炎

