(1) Children under the age of 6 should not use Nintendo 3Ds games consoles as they can harm their eyesight.
(2) legitimate concerns 合乎情理的擔憂
(3) alarmist (a.) 危言聳聽的
(4) The 3D TV is a centerpiece (最重要的物品) in the house.
(5) On a more serious (lighter) note... 更嚴格地說
C2: Listener soundscape
C3: Specialist Travel Insurance: 旅遊保險
(1) a new website offering comparisons of Travel Insurance policies for people with pre-exisiting medical conditions.
(2) A new website claims to help people with disabilities and illnesses to compare the price of their travel insurance.
(3) pre-existing medical conditions 既有病史 宿疾 (4) There is a devil in the detail. 魔鬼藏在細節裡
C4: Astro Toursim
(1)Travellers have the chance to see meteor showers (流星雨) or solar eclipse (日蝕) from the best vantage point (有利的地點) in the world with a bit of sightseeing and culture and with relaxation thrown in.
(2)northern light 極光 the aurora
(3)light pollution 光害
(4)star-gazing holiday 觀星假期
(5)logisitc challenge because of the remote region
(6)chartered aircraft 包機
(7) a one-off occasion 絕無僅有的
(8)total /partial eclipse 全蝕/偏蝕
(9)battle with the uncertainty
(10) astronomical sight 天文景觀
C5: Group marketing: 團購折扣行銷法
(1)How online marketing of money saving group voucher schemes, is now moving into the mainstream.
(2)bulk buying 團購
(3)collective buying power
(4) get a group discount
C6: Listener soundscape
C7: 3D glasses: (1)The snow caused chaos at UK airports but almost a month later people are still trying to track down their lost or delayed luggage.
(1) Designer 3D glasses are coming onto the market as a stylish alternative to the nerdy frames you get at the cinema. Will you be buying a pair?
(2) put strains on children's eyes
C8: Lost Luggage: 遺失行李
to hunt down sth : to search sth until you find it.
C9: Lost Christmas Luggage:
(1) There have been complaints that during the snow-caused airport closures and air travel delays that many items of baggage were separated from their owners.
(2) put strains on children's eyes
C8: Lost Luggage: 遺失行李
to hunt down sth : to search sth until you find it.
C9: Lost Christmas Luggage:
(1) There have been complaints that during the snow-caused airport closures and air travel delays that many items of baggage were separated from their owners.