2011年1月23日 星期日

2011/1/21 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Blocking unsutiable sites: 歐盟委員會發現五分之一的網路過濾器效果不大  
(1) New research by the European Commission confirms Ofcom research that website filters are unwieldy and ineffective.
(2) bespoke  訂製的
(3) How to protect your children from viewing porn, (色情) self harm (自我傷害)and pro anorexia? (厭食症)
(4) rack up sth 累積...

C2: Driverless Cars: VOLVO 通過無人駕駛車測試
The car which means you can make calls, write emails and eat sandwiches as you travel - safely and legally.
Platooning – where a convoy or train of driverless cars is linked to a lead vehicle driven by a professional
SATRE: safe road trains for the environment 
Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/853046-a-driverless-car-is-on-the-road-ahead#ixzz1BqRSQZXn

C3: Accessible Tourism:
Is the tourism industry doing enough to meet the needs of disabled travellers? And if not, it is missing out on a potentially lucrative market?

C4: Boarding Pass Ruling: 西班牙法院判決瑞安航空收取登機證列印費用為違規行為
A judge in Spain has ruled that it is illegal for Ryanair to penalise customers who fail to print out a copy of their boarding passes. What is the significance for the rest of Europe?

C5: stammering:
How accurate is the portrayal of stammering in the King's Speech (王者之聲) and what practical help is there for people who stammer? We hear from Ashley Morrison who has a stammer.

C6: 旅行社倒閉理賠
With customers still waiting for compensation after the July collapse of tour operator Goldtrail.

2011/1/11 Woman's Hour Listenging Notes

C1: Bellatrix: The beatbox (人聲口技) musician  
Belle Ehresmann, aka Bellatrix is the UK's leading female beatbox artist, and one of few performing beatbox women worldwide. In 2009 she was crowned Female Beatbox World Champion. A talented jazz double bassist, she is setting up the first ever female beatbox championships to encourage more girls onto the beatbox scene.
   Bellatrix 是不僅英國首屈一指女性人聲口技藝人 更也是世界少數表演的口技藝人  她在2009 年獲頒女子人聲口技大賽冠軍   這位本身也是爵士樂double-bass (n.) 低音提琴家的Bellatrix 正籌劃舉辦史上第一場女性的口技人聲大賽 希望藉此鼓勵更多女性能口技界發展
C2: Women in Sudan :
On 9 January, South Sudan went to the polls, to vote in a referendum (全民公投) on whether Africa’s biggest country should split in two with the South becoming Africa’s newest independent country. The vote was a condition of a 2005 deal to end over two decades of conflict between north and south. But is the South ready for independence and what will it mean for women who live there?

C3: Multi-systematic Therapy: 多元系統治療
As cuts to public services hit home, the question of how to deal with problem children becomes particularly acute. Placing young people in care or custody is very expensive, and there’s evidence it can lead to increased risk of problems further down the line. (= along the line: informal: 在某個時刻) That’s why the Government is funding research into Multi-Systemic Therapy, an approach that helps families develop the skills to deal with problem behaviour on their own, without help from social services or other agencies.
(1)MST was developed in the US as an alternative to custody.


2011年1月22日 星期六

放高利貸者 暴力討債 英文怎麼說

放高利貸者 a loan shark
暴力討債集團: a loan shark ring
暴力討債  violent debt-collection practice ; loan-shark harassment
威脅某人簽下借據欠票 threaten 人 into signing another promissory note

2011/1/20 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Tunisia:
(1) British customers of Thomas Cook and Tui are being told they can't cancel holidays to Tunisia or change bookings without a financial penalty unless foreign office advice not to travel remains.
(2) German customers of Thomas Cook and Tui who have booked before the Easter are being offered the chance to switch to an alternative destination, while British customers aren't.

C2: Post:
(1) Thousands of packages and letters posted for Christmas still have not reached their destination.
(2) snail mail (n.)
(3) unprecedented weather

C3: NHS reform:
(1) More drugs will be rationed with NHS radical shake-up.
(2) value-based pricing for medicine:
(3) It is hoped that it can allow more local flexibilty and implement of expert guidance and reduce postcode lottery.(在英國居民能得到的醫療資源視該居民居住的區域而定)

C4: Treasure Islands: 避稅天堂 (tax heavens and the man who stole the world)
(1) offshore banking 境外銀行
(2) shrug off not only the tax bills but also laws and rules.
(3) wield the argument


2011/1/19 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1. 英格蘭及威爾斯地區的圖書館因地方預算刪減(disproportionate spending cut)而面臨倒閉(closure    
(1) No one is suggesting individual volunteering should take over the qualified librarianship.
C2: NHS biggiest reform/overhaul since it was created in 1945 英國國民健保改革
(1) All hospitals become foundation trusts and some even be franchised out to private sectors.
(2) privatisation 私有化
(3) to  insure there is no scrimping on the quality.

C3: lightbulbs 舊式燈泡將在 2012年九月全面在英國停止生產銷售(total phase-out)
(1) If you like your lightbulbs old style and bright , this will be your last chance to buy in some supermarkets like Cosco and B&Q.
(2) The two biggest supermarkets in the UK are putting out their last consignments  of  incandenscent lightbulbs (白熾燈泡) for sale.
(4)phase out the old lightbulbs like traditional 41 lightbulbs and 61 candle bulbs under the EU legislation.
(5) go out of circulation 停止流通
(6) Energy-saving halogen bulb can save enegy 30-50 percent
 C4: Rogue Taxis: Do we need new laws to clamp down on mini-cab drivers who break the rules.

C5: Bring your computer to work:
the inherent problems :(1) the issue of security : data protection
(2) employment law
(3) support

C6: First class lounges: 頭等車廂
(1) Why a first class train ticket sometimes means a less than first class
(2) add insult to injury 雪上加霜
(3) a wild card : 未知數

C7: Face the fact: the impact of the collapse of housing maintenance firm Connaught.

C8: 英國米其林指南100年
As the Michelin Guide celebrates, we look at its effect on the UK restaurant business.


2011年1月20日 星期四

2011/1/17 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: 為何在外交部發布突尼西亞旅遊警示後 仍有旅行社銷售該行程
(1) The Foreign office has adviced against 'all but essential travel' to the regions but some big travel companies are continuing to sell packages for as early as next weekend despite the political unrest there.
(2) switch the destination at the last minute
(3) to sign on the dotted line 在簽字處上簽名同意 (informal)
(4)contact the helpline 連絡服務專線
(5) be entitled to get the full refund  有權拿回全額退款
C2:  (1) For those of you who are owed money, a County Court Judgment in your favour still hasn’t brought things to a tidy conclusion.
(2) I tried to get my deposit back but to no avail 試著拿回押金但無效
C3: X-box and Kinect 更多X-box玩家反映新的體感遊戲(Kinect) 感應器配件導致舊的X-box 當機故障 (the Red Ring of Death)
(1) More Xbox owners report problems after attaching the new Kinect accessory to their console - a problem that Microsoft maintains is coincidental.
(2) disgruntled (a.) 不滿的
(3) Microsoft was quick to squash the theory that the Kinect was to blame.on
C4: Saving the NHS: 改革能拯救英國國民健保?
slim sth down: 精簡裁減
to sound a note of caution
C5: Cameras:
trade fair 商品展
photographic emporium 攝影專賣店 
C6: Social Media Marketing:
Advertisers have woken up to the potential of social media networks to promote their goods and services. The rewards for success are huge but getting it wrong risks a damaging brand backlash.
Being subtle is different from being devious. (詐欺的)
nudging people towards...將...引導到...
fingerpointing 指責
C7: Millions of hard-pressed (處於強大壓力的) families are being further squeezed by punishing (令人精疲力盡的) rises in food prices.


2011/1/14 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Nintendo 3DS Warning: 任天堂宣稱其3D電玩不適合六歲以下小孩使用
(1) Children under the age of 6 should not use Nintendo 3Ds games consoles as they  can harm their eyesight.
(2) legitimate concerns 合乎情理的擔憂
(3) alarmist (a.) 危言聳聽的
(4) The 3D TV is a centerpiece (最重要的物品) in the house.
(5) On a more serious (lighter) note... 更嚴格地說

C2: Listener soundscape
C3: Specialist Travel Insurance: 旅遊保險
(1) a new website offering comparisons of Travel Insurance policies for people with pre-exisiting medical conditions.
(2) A new website claims to help people with disabilities and illnesses to compare the price of their travel insurance.
(3) pre-existing medical conditions 既有病史 宿疾
(4) There is a devil in the detail. 魔鬼藏在細節裡

C4: Astro Toursim
(1)Travellers have the chance to see meteor showers (流星雨) or solar eclipse (日蝕) from the best vantage point (有利的地點) in the world with a bit of sightseeing and culture and with relaxation thrown in.
(2)northern light 極光 the aurora
(3)light pollution 光害
(4)star-gazing holiday 觀星假期  
(5)logisitc challenge because of the remote region
(6)chartered aircraft  包機
(7) a one-off occasion 絕無僅有的
(8)total /partial eclipse 全蝕/偏蝕
(9)battle with the uncertainty
(10) astronomical sight 天文景觀
C5: Group marketing: 團購折扣行銷法
(1)How online marketing of money saving group voucher schemes, is now moving into the mainstream.
(2)bulk buying 團購
(3)collective buying power
(4) get a group discount

C6: Listener soundscape
C7: 3D glasses: (1)The snow caused chaos at UK airports but almost a month later people are still trying to track down their lost or delayed luggage.
(1) Designer 3D glasses are coming onto the market as a stylish alternative to the nerdy frames you get at the cinema. Will you be buying a pair?
(2) put strains on children's eyes

C8: Lost Luggage: 遺失行李
to hunt down sth : to search sth until you find it.
C9: Lost Christmas Luggage:
(1) There have been complaints that during the snow-caused airport closures and air travel delays that many items of baggage were separated from their owners.
(2) to paint a different picture: 給..不同的描述


2011/1/13 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Somerset 打算對地方市政府的圖書館預算縮減一案提出訴訟
Campaigners in somerset are considering legal action against their council about cuts in library services. Children's author Michael Morpurgo told us why libraries are so important.
C2: Second-hand products: 二手商品
One listener bought a computer, new in its packaging, only to find out when he got it home that it had already been used.
implicit statement
changing room: 更衣室
reconditioned (a.) 重新修復的
C3: GPS marketing: GPS Location 定位的行銷策略
too instrusive or loaded with great potential?
targeting people in real time
transgress the line 逾越界限...
We are only beginning scratching the surface of this technology .
C4: Can't take it with you:
dying without a will
making your will 立遺囑
revealing (a.) 發人深省的


2011年1月17日 星期一

2011/1/12 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Cuts to disability living allowance:
(1) an adpative car; an electrical wheelchair
(2) I can not help the fact that I am disabled I didn't choose to be.
(3) Members of the government having been comparing living in residential homes to be in the hospitalized.
(4) transport lain-on
(5) In the times of austerity, we can't afford it.
(6) mobility needs
C2:cheques and charges:
A charity tells us it's being charged to pay its beneficiaries by cheque.
C3: Energy prices keep going up.
(1) Location elements,being internet savvy and whether you're heavy users or not
will influence their choices of suppliers.
(2) switching side
(3) picking line
C4: Consumer Focus:
a rhetorical issue
go toe to toe
Floods are in biblical scale.
C5: People are still borrowing too much and saving too little.
a more rigorous piece of research
C6: Crowd-sourcing:
individual flares Henry Ford
John Waite investigates the role that “speculation” or betting on fluctuations in the price of food may have had in causing riots three years ago.


2011年1月12日 星期三

2011/1/8 Woman's Hour Listening Notes

C1: Prostitutions should be legalised or not? 嫖妓在英國該合法化嗎?
(1) sex workers 性工作者
(2)Cinderella issue 未獲重視的議題
(3) criminalise the clients of the prostitutes 
(4) decriminalise (v.) 除罪化
(5) brothel (n.) 妓院

C2: sustainability and consumerism (永續性與消費主義)
Our human relationship with stuff has always been complex, and none more so than in the present era of throwaway consumerism. Shopping can be a chore, a pleasure or a luxury, but is now a necessity. Knowing whether what we are buying is good for us or the earth has become an ever more present concern. And worrying about where the stuff we have used goes when we have finished with it, has led to transform our recycling and waste habits. Julie Hill has worked for environmental organisations for 25 years. Her book, The Secret Life of Stuff, suggests a future where we control our waste from the outset - sofas are leased rather than bought and discarded, food is grown at home, and manufacturers are legislated to make their very creation process environmentally sound.
preach for austerity

C3: go to prison without appeal
Jane talks to the inspiration behind the new Hilary Swank film Conviction - out this Friday. Betty Anne Waters was convinced that her brother Kenny was innocent of murder when he was sentenced to life in prison in 1983. When appeals against Kenny's convictions failed, and funds for lawyers dwindled, Betty Anne decided to go to college and law school to get the qualifications so she could fight for his release.

Making the bed so your guests can lie in it. You’re round at a friend’s house. You’ve enjoyed a terrific dinner party, and after lots of merriment it’s time to lay your head. Upon inspection, however, you realise the sheets have not been changed from the last person to sleep there! Does this prompt disgust – or are you sympathetic to the strains of hosting? Jan Etherington and Lowri Turner, along with Jane, guide us through the politics of bed making.
fastidious (a.) 有潔癖的

2011/1/7 Woman's Hour Listening Notes

C1:  The Flu Jab and Children : The Dept. of Health didn’t include under 5s its flu vaccination prog.英國免費新流感疫苗方案不提供給五歲以下小孩
(1) Routine vaccination against seasonal influenza is not included in normal programme for children under 5.  But last year was exceptional becasue it was part of pandemic control.
(2) ILI = Influenza-Like Illness 類流感疾病
(3) The uptake of the vaccine is so poor probably because we underestimate the flu.
(4)Children are a vehicle of the transmission of the flu in the population and super spreader.
(5) The safest course is to reimmunizeyour children if your kids were vaccinated last year.

C2: Typing -v- Handwriting 打字 & 手寫
(1) The noise was horrendous becasue all of us were hammering away at it :努力做...
(2) to hinder our ability to transfer our thoughts into words; hinder the creative process
(3) print out the hard copy
(4) hand-written manuscripts
(5) Facebook and Twitter are an absolute time-eater and distraction.

C3: Fitness Recidivist (累犯) ; serial gym slacker
(1) tips to stay motivated and focused
(2) Exercising is such a chore. (= an unpleasant or boring task)
(3) high spot : 最愉快重要的部分
(4) to find your magical ten minutes
(5) to fail to stick to our New Year's resolution of exercising more
(6) transfer your membership to other branches or cancel your membership
(7) pick up your resolve to exercise

C4: Noor Inayat Khan 間諜公主http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00x7830#p00d593b
(1) Noor Inayat Khan was a British secret agent, executed by the Nazis during World War Two. She was a spy for the famous Special Operations Executive, the SOE. Now there's a fund raising campaign to erect a statue in her honour. Sheila talks to her official biographer, Shrabani Basu, about why Noor Inayat Khan should become the first Muslim, and also first Indian, woman to have her own monument in this country.
(2) work undercover
(3) be in chains and shackles 戴手銬腳鐐

2011年1月11日 星期二

2011/1/10 You & Yours Listening Notes

C1: Car Insurance:
(1) come down on sb. = (informal) (no passive) to criticize sb severely or punish sb.
(2) Premiums will be lowered. 保險費用
(3) law-abiding (a.) 安份守己的
(4) a litany of rising cost 一連串的....
(5) to seize the vehicle 扣押車輛
(6) If you are not recorded by  DVLA, you can slip throught the net. 被漏掉
(7) do our  level best 盡最大努力
to try very hard to do something (often + to do sth) Tickets are quite hard to come by but I'll do my level best to get you one. (cited from the freedictionary ) 
(1)take the case to the court
(2)merger 合併
(3)buyout company 控股收購
(4)takeover 接管 收購
(5)A lone pensioner has taken on the might of an American private equity fund. The 71 year old investor turned up at an FSA hearing to put his case in the presence of the combined board of the Kent Reliance Building Society and US equity firm JC Flower.

C3: Playbutton: 像鈕扣別針(badge) 的MP3 player
(1)CDs are begining to get the way out.
(2)tangbile form of music
(3)lack of the flexibilty of the shuffling
(4)to skip the tracks; cherry pick the tracks
(5)to play its order that is written in
(6) compile her own album ; build up your own collection
(7) make your listeing habit anonymous
(8) an avid user of I-tune
(9)Control is in the back panel.
(10) Technology steps backwards.

(1) draft your will 擬定遺囑
(2) property or asset :
(3) inheritance:
(4) in defualt of the will 缺乏遺囑
(5) surving spouse 遺孀
(6) If you are counting on an inheritance from family based abroad be prepared for a long haul before you can get your hands on your bequest.
(7) have a good relationship with a townhall official
(8)people with connections  有關係門道的人
(9) different legal/ juristic systems 不同的法律制度
(10) repartiation 遣返
(11) go throught the process of legalization
(12) property boom 20 years ago
(13)pre-empt 先發制人 

C5: innocent until proven guilty 任何人在證明有罪前都是清白的  
(1) How people who have never been convicted of a crime are falling foul of Criminal Record Bureau checks. (CRB check: 犯罪紀錄)
(2) Having your CRB disclosure removed is expensive and time-consuming.
(3)to be uunfairly disadvantaged by the record
(4) serial rapers 連續強姦犯
(5) be tried but found not guilty  被審判但無罪
be arrested for ...因..被逮捕 
be charged with ... 正式控告
be accused of  被指責控訴
be detained  被拘留
be released without charge 無罪釋放
be convicted of 定罪
be acquitted of  宣判無罪
be paroled 假釋

C6: London Taxi in Paris:英國倫敦計程車引進法國
London taxi drivers are famous for doing something called the knowledge whereby they in theory know the map almost photographically ;they know every street and landmark.

C7: Power Poverty:
go into the red
economic 7 or 10 provided to tenants

2011年1月10日 星期一

When to Worry if a Child Has Too Few Words 何時該擔心小孩語言發展遲緩?

February 9, 2010
18 and Under

When to Worry if a Child Has Too Few Words  By PERRI KLASS, M.D.

   There is nothing simple about speech, and there is nothing simple about speech delay — starting with the challenge of diagnosing it.
   Every pediatrician knows the frustration of trying to quantify the speech and language skills of a screaming toddler. How many words can he say? Can she put two or more words together into a sentence? Can people besides you understand him when he talks? Questions like these, put to the parents, are the quick and somewhat crude yardsticks we often use.

   Crude or not, the assessment is crucial: 1. the earlier it is made, the earlier the speech-delayed child can get some help, and the earlier the help, the better the prospects.
“The physician who understands delayed speech understands child development,” said Dr. James Coplan, a neurodevelopmental pediatrician in Rosemont, Pa., who created the Early Language Milestone Scale to measure children’s language from birth to age 3.
   2. Guidelines by age can be found on the Web site of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: asha.org/public/speech/development/chart.htm.
   3 .“Children within the first year start to understand much of what they hear around them,” said Diane R. Paul, the group’s director of clinical issues in speech-language pathology. One-year-olds, she continued, “start to use single words and follow simple directions and point to body parts and listen to simple stories.” 4. By about 2, they start putting words together; by 3, they should be using sentences of three words at the very minimum.
     The early utterances may be simple, but what produces them is very complex. When a child is not meeting those milestones, there can be a multitude of reasons. Dr. Coplan, who is also the author of “Making Sense of Autistic Spectrum Disorders” (Random House, 2010), says he looks at speech delay in a very broad context, from cognition to communication. Is it purely a problem with speech and language, or is there some more global delay? Has something gone awry in the child’s social connections?
   5. The first question to ask is whether the child can hear. Nowadays, all newborns have their hearing screened before they leave the nursery, but later testing can pick up progressive or acquired hearing loss.
   6. Next question: What about the rest of the child’s development? Speech and language delay can be one way parents and pediatricians first notice more global developmental delay.
 “You’ll see delayed receptive language, delayed use of visual skills like pointing, adaptive skills like using a spoon or using a crayon,” Dr. Coplan said. “An 18-month-old not following commands, not using a spoon to dig with, now you’re looking at global delay.”
  7. Speech and language issues can also be early clues to neurodevelopmental disorders, including the various forms of autism. Not all children with autism will have delayed speech, though often they are not using their words to communicate; such a child may have memorized the alphabet, Dr. Coplan said, but without ever learning Mama or Dada.
   8. If the child’s hearing and development are fine, one more question to consider is environment. Is anyone talking to this baby? Is something getting in the way — maybe an exceptionally chaotic household, maybe a severely depressed parent? Speech and language development requires stimulation.
   Pediatricians have been faulted in the past for dragging our feet in making speech-delay diagnoses, but times have changed; Dr. Coplan credited parent advocacy and the federally mandated early intervention program, (早期療育) which makes it possible for children younger than 3 to get a free evaluation.
“I think physicians, now that they have somewhere they can send children, are much more prone to do so, instead of saying, ‘We’ll wait and see, wait and see,’ ” he said. “I don’t encounter the horror stories I would hear 20, 30 years ago, when parents would say, ‘We came over our doctor’s objections.’ ”
    Still, as a primary care pediatrician, I have not always managed brilliantly with parents. I once took care of a little boy about whom I worried more and more. In the exam room, he seemed without normal communication skills; I was increasingly sure that he was on the autistic spectrum.
     I didn’t think he was really learning words, but I worried much more because as far as I could tell, he never made eye contact, never responded in any clear way to anything his parents said or did, because he seemed disconnected in some fundamental way.
His parents shrugged off my concerns and refused all referrals. When he was home with his grandmother, they insisted, he was able to communicate perfectly. He didn’t need any help.
   In that case, I had the diagnosis right, but my own communication skills were not up to the challenge. And then there were the parents I reassured: she may not be talking as much as her sister did at that age, but she is saying much more than the minimum for a 2-year-old, she understands everything you say to her and she can follow complex commands. Let’s wait and watch, let’s give her time. Did I get that one right?
Pediatricians are reminded again and again not to be casual about delays in speech and language — not to shrug and say boys just talk later than girls, or younger siblings talk later than older siblings. Such factors may contribute to normal variation, but they shouldn’t be used to explain why a child doesn’t meet essential milestones.
   And as every pediatrician knows, the real stalwarts in this story — and the real experts — are the speech and language pathologists.
   9. Dr. Paul offered general tips to parents who want to enhance their children’s speech and language skills: “(1)Talk to your child about what they’re focused on. (2)Read to your child often. If they’re in a bilingual home, speak to the child and read to the child in the language that you’re most comfortable with. (3)Speak clearly and naturally and use real words. (4) Show excitement when the child speaks.”And listen to what your child is telling you.

source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/09/health/09klass.html

1. 早期治療 早期發現 且增加治療效果
2. http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/chart.htm
   提供各個語言發展階段 特徵
3. 一歲時嬰兒能聽懂大人對他們講的話 開始使用單一字彙並聽得懂簡單的故事
4. 兩歲時開始結合字彙並少量使用三個話語組成的句子
5. 若出現語言發展遲緩 則先確認聽力是否有問題
6. 再接著確認孩童是否有整體的發展遲緩問題 例如到一歲半還不會用湯匙挖東西或無法遵照指示做某事
7. 言語發展遲緩或許和神經發展障礙有關 如自閉症 (autism) (但不是所有自閉症都會導致言語發展遲緩)
8. 如果孩童聽力和發展都沒問題 就要看環境 家中是否有人提供足夠的言語供孩童吸收 是否家庭中有重症憂鬱的父母 因為言語發展是需要適度的刺激
9. 如何增進孩童語言能力: (1) 和孩童聊他們關注的事物 (2)唸故事書給他們聽
如果孩童出生在雙語家庭 就用父母熟悉的語言和孩童講故事書 (3) 用正常自然的方式和孩童說話 並且使用實際使用的話語 (4) 孩童說話時表現感興趣 並認真傾聽他們的話


遲緩兒英文:  children with developmental delays
自閉兒英文:  autistic children
過動兒英文: hyperactive children
ADHD: 注意力缺陷障礙 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
閱讀障礙 識字困難者: dyslexic
過敏兒: allergic children

2011年1月9日 星期日

2011/1/7 You & Yours Listening Notes

(1) Short shelf life cakes and quiches selling in big name high street supermarkets are products that contain liquid eggs containing dioxins.
(2) These egg products contaminated by dioxins may well have already been eaten. 這些遭戴奧辛汙染的蛋製品很可能已經被吃下肚了
(3) consignment (n.) [C] 運送物 [U] 發送
(4) home processed 在國內加工處理
(5) all along = all the time= from the beginning
(6) Liquid eggs are diluted in cooking, and therefore dioxin is reduced even further.
液態蛋在烹飪時會被稀釋 因此會進一步減低戴奧辛的量
(7) animal feed 動物飼料
(8) very stringent code(s) of practice 嚴格的行業規則
(9) contaminant (n.) 污染物

(1) Chef Michel Roux Junior talks about why great service matters as much as great food. His new reality TV programme on BBC 2 - Michel Roux's Service - will train members of the public to provide impeccable front of house service. Plus, he shares his views on celebrity chefs and the pressures of earning that coveted third Michelin star. 米其林名廚 Michel Roux 談論為何好的服務跟好的餐點同等重要 他將在BBC 2 頻道新開播的實境節目Michel Roux's Service 中 訓練一般民眾如何提供完美的外場服務 此外他也和大家分享他對名廚的看法以及他因贏得夢寐以求的米其林三星所承受的壓力

(2) Dirty cup rims and unpolished glasses are more than a telltale early sign;(顯示問題的徵兆) it's a red rag to a bull.(令人忿怒的事)
(3) close/dear/near to one's heart: 為...所重視關心
(4) mediocre (a.) 平庸的
(5) People just go through the motions of doing sth: 做表面功夫 but I want more passion.
(6) be made for the job 適合做...工作 = be meant for ...
(7) climb up the ladder 升遷
(8) a trainee (n.) 實習生   apprentice (n.) 學徒
(10) a lowly job (n.) 地位低的 = humble
(11) bow and scrape = to be too polite to an important person in order to gain their approval. (鞠躬哈腰) servitude [U] 任人差遣的狀態
C3: backlist (n.) 庫存書目錄

(1) aural flavour 聽覺的 
* five senses: 英文五個感官:
聽覺(hearing) 嗅覺(smell; olfactory) 觸覺(touch;tactile) 味覺(taste; gustatory) 視覺(sight ; visual)
(2) cast their eyes to the horizon to predict the prospect
(3) political pundits 政治名嘴
(4) belately (adv.) 遲來地
C5: Olympic Legacy: 2012倫敦奧運能帶來常遠的體育 經濟 文化 環境上的效益 而不會成為無用的累贅之物 (white elephants)  
(1) venue (n.) 音樂廳 體育比賽場館 會場
(2) pavillion (n.) a temporary building at public events and exhibitions
(3) be bullish (a.)  = confident and hopefu; about the future
(4) pass on the legacy to East London
(5) lend itself to sth: 適合於...
(6) a stupid slip of tongue 愚蠢的口誤 a slip of pen 筆誤

(1) be attuned to = be familiar with sb/sth so that you can understand or recognize them or it and act in an appropiate way. 熟悉 習慣
(2) raise the bar 提高標準
(3) Taking over from your parents is never easy because of the expectations. 繼承父業
(4) a loaded question 帶有圈套的問題
(5) seasonality [U] 當季
(6)comfort food [U] 懷舊撫慰人心的食物

C7: a nine days' wonder 轟動一時的人物 曇花一現

2011年1月7日 星期五

碎碎唸 嘮叨 囉嗦 (nagging)增加心絞痛風險 (the risk of angina)

Nagging by a partner significantly increases the risk of angina almost fourfold, says a study, published yesterday in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Dealing with worries about family and children doubles the risk of angina. Arguing regularly with a partner increased the risk of angina by 44% while frequent arguments with a neighbor boosted the chances by 60%.
According to researchers, one reason for this could be the stress levels that rise due to the demands from family members. But individual personality can also play a role. The study involved more than 4,500 Danish men and women with no history of heart disease. They were asked several questions about their health and quality of relationships with other people. The results revealed that demands from a partner increased the risk of angina. Results were similar for men and women. Risk was higher for older people. Chances of angina increased with increase of pressure. Previous studies have found that people have better health if they are happy in their social relationships.

The authors, from the University of Copenhagen, said, “Excessive demands and serious worries from significant others seem to be important risk factors for development of angina.”


Read more: Angina Risk Increases Because of Nagging Partners http://www.medindia.net/news/Angina-Risk-Increases-Because-of-Nagging-Partners-78428-1.htm#ixzz1AKTe6DGD

蔭屍 英文怎麼說

蔭屍 undecayed corpse
Chinese people often attribute an undecayed corpse to the bad feng shui of the grave and believe that the undecayed corpse may bring misfortune to its posterity.


2011/1/6 You & Yours Listening Notes

C1: Retail
1. A raft of retailers (informal) 大量許多的
2. Severe squeeze on the consumer spending expected over the coming year 未來一年消費嚴重緊縮
3. in the immediate aftermath of the credit crunch.... 緊接著信貸危機之後
4. winners or losers on the high street:
5. It proves the key facotr that could make or break the even the best-known high street names. 成為...成敗的關鍵
6. By both value and volume, we had increased in spending compared with a year before.
7.  fallout (n.)= the bad results of a situation or an action 後果 餘波

C2: Business Series: the Cycling Industry 自行車業
1. the emmergence of.... 的出現
2. do the charity events 從事慈善活動
3. the resurgence of ... 的復甦
4. electric bikes 電動腳踏車
5. road safety testing 道路安全測試

* 各式腳踏車的英文:  (1) BMX bike: 極限腳踏車 (bicycle moto cross) (Strong small bicycle, for acrobatics and competitions on bumpy tracks.)
(2) child's tricylce 兒童三輪車 (Very stable three-wheeled vehicle with pedals driving either the front wheel or the rear wheels, for the use of young children.)
(3) mountain bike 登山車  (Bicycle with large wheels with treads with studs, a strong frame, numerous gears and powerful brakes, for navigating all kinds of terrain. )
(4) Dutch bike: 荷蘭腳踏車適合市區騎乘(City bicycle designed for comfort and in such a way that the cyclist sits upright; its features include a built-in chain guard
and a drop-down fender. )
 examples of bicycles [1]
(5) touring bike: 旅行腳踏車 Intermediate bicycle between a road bicycle and a city bicycle, designed for traveling long distances in comfort.
(6) road bike: 公路腳踏車 Bicycle with narrow tires, lightweight frame and handlebars that position the cyclist for optimum aerodynamics, designed for road racing.
(7) tandem bike: 協力車 Bicycle with two places; both cyclists pedal simultaneously but only the person in front steers
(8) city bike: 市區腳踏車Bicycle designed for comfort and safety while taking short trips on city streets.
examples of bicycles [2]
source fo pictures and defintions: http://visual.merriam-webster.com/search-results.php?s_search_box=bicycle+&s_search_result=bicycle

(9)folding bike :折疊腳踏車

(10) girls bike 淑女車

C3: Real Time Train Information on Mobiles
National Rail Enquiries are asking web developers to close down free mobile phone applications for commuters.

2011年1月6日 星期四

2011/1/5 You&Yours Listening Notes

C1: X-Box Kinect: 微軟推出 的Kinect 導致X-Box 360 (console) 故障
The problems are only a coincidence. (但微軟宣稱該故障為巧合)
be launched with enormous fanfare.
The screen began freezing randomly. 畫面不時定格
red ring of death (死亡紅環) 為X-box 掛點的訊號
be under warranty 在售用服務期內 <---> The warranty has already expired.
robust testing

C2: Chip and Pin: 銀行要求劍橋大學將破解晶片個人密碼的研究論文移除網站
breach the chip and pin security (破解晶片個人密碼)
in simple terms
compromise the pin
plug the security gap 填補安全性缺口
dissemination 傳佈

C3: HMV will close 60 stores and cut jobs.
英國HMV 將關閉60家店及裁員
mixed pictures
C4: On-line health information
在網路搜尋醫療問題時 要確認資料來源  (check the source which has the Information Standard)  http://www.theinformationstandard.org/

C5: Business Review
electrical stores 電器行
high penetration of the flat screen 順利開拓平面電視市場

C6: Care workers are exploited by dishonest recruitment agencies 不法的仲介機構剝削護理人員

C7: Flu caused 39 deaths and 700s in intensive care this spring in the UK   英國流感造成39死亡及700多人重症加護
keep fingers crossed 祈求好運
strain H1N1 09 = pandemic strain of swine flu 流感病株為 H1N1 09
claim new victims 奪走...
Who should get the flu jab : get the flu injection 接受流感預防接種
(1) diabetes ; long-standing lung or kidney illness
(2) women with pregancy
(3) those aged over 65
(4) those with weak immune system

Warning sign of deterioriating:
breathing difficulty 呼吸困難 which might cause pneumonia 肺炎

2011/1/3 Woman's Hour Listening Notes

C1: Boardroom Quotas
1. undermine the credibility of women 削弱女性公信力
2. collective responsibilty 集體責任
3. resort to legislation 訴諸於法律
4. hijack (v.) 操縱會議以推銷自己意圖

C2: Susan Marshart The Winter of the Disconnected Life
not make deliberate choice about technology
take sth on board= to accept and understand an idea or a suggestion. 接納
pitch sth 說教 宣傳
take sb through something 幫助某人熟悉瞭解某事
be sucked into
cleansing experience 淨化人心的經驗

C3: Pig Keeping
a cross bewteen A and B  A與B的混種
be taken ill 病倒
on the hoof 牲畜活著待宰的

2011年1月4日 星期二

2011/1/3 You&Yours Listening Notes

C1: 因大雪及三天公共假期 英國多處垃圾堆積如山
The papers print alarming photographs of huge piles of uncollected domestic waste.
(1) grind to a halt : (to slow down gradually and then stop completely)
ground to a halt = come to a grinding halt
(2)In Birmingham, it is being compounded by a strike by bin men (BrE= dustmen; formal: refuse collector; AmE: garbage men)
stoppage (n.) 停工
(3)Casual staff 臨時工 are hired to clear the backlog.
(4)bank hloiday 公共假日
(5)up in the air = 懸而未決
(6) rubbish truck 垃圾車
C2: 大小企業如何在經濟不景氣(economic downturn) 時運作
Tata Steel and R. Baker (the steel industry) 鋼鐵業
be frought with uncertainty 充滿不確定性
furnace (n.) 熔爐
steel scrap 廢鐵
stay buoyant (a.) 繁榮
C3: water crisis in Northern Ireland
C4: Train fares 英國火車票價調漲
The rise strikes passengers as deeply fair and put them off travelling
fiddle (n.) (BrE) 調整
Extra carrigaes come on stream. (投入使用)
It is about stomaching a price rise. *to approve of sth
C5: Free one-on-one cycling instructions provided to rusty cyclists
on-road lessons 一般道路課程
jump the red light 闖紅燈 powe up slowly get up to the gear

(1) avoiding the door zone 避開開門區
(2) to be visible
(3) a meter from the curbside  距人行道邊一公尺
(4) to install a bell and a reflector 反光器

C6: a speech impediment =stammer 語言障礙 = stutter
Stammering is an neurogenetic condition and it is highy curable among children.

2011年1月3日 星期一

2010/12/21 All in the Mind Listening notes

(1) 四分之一的人有精神疾病 , 1/4數據(one-in-four figure)從何來?
It's a statistic that's almost as well-used and well-known as the entreaty to eat your five a day. 該數據跟"每日五蔬果"的訴求一樣的常用和熟悉
do some digging 搜尋...
gold standard  something which is very good and is used for measuring how good other similar things are.  黃金準則
It is hard to pin down....  很難確切說明....
a strking and memorable figure that is socially palatable 社會可接受的

a happy medium between striking the knots 折中辦法
paper over the complex issues and controversy 暫時掩蓋...
construe that as untreated epidemic 將...視為
undermine the credibility of the field in the long run 常期削弱該領域的可信度
inflated figure 過高的數據
(2) Thinking and focussing on your ancestors (tracing your family tree) can make you smarter ! 追根溯源讓你更聰明
do some pilot studies: 進行試驗性研究

2011年1月2日 星期日

2010/12/31 You&Yours Listening Notes

C1: Water Crisis in Northern Ireland: (Ten days without water)
The way this disruption is handled is described as shambloic (a.) disorganized (BrE: informal)
interrupted supplies 供水中斷
pipes bursting with the feezing and leaking with thaw 水管結凍後破裂融化後開始漏水


C2: Bell Ringing: bell ringing is far from a dying art-form.
a bell ringing chamber 鐘室
What it takes to be a bell-ringer? 敲鐘者的條件: kinetic ability and  a sense of rhythm (節奏感)
 You don't have to be particularly musical (有音樂天份的) and strong.
resistance [U] 阻力
vicar 教區牧師
Bell-ringing is a labor of love; it takes 4 to 5 years to be good at it. 敲鐘是為愛好而做的工作

C3: New Year's Resolutions: 新年新希望
Our new year's resolutions keep being modified every year.
fizzle out :虎頭蛇尾.... shrink back in silence 安靜地退縮...
shower people with compliments 大量地讚美....
have your head in the clouds 有不切實際的計畫想法
C4:  send the commissions to ... 佣金 手續費
C5: It fell to the Salvation Army (救世軍) to help stranded passengers at Heathrow and Kings Cross.
C6: Art Exchange: a stock exchange  for art works 第一個藝術品股票交易所http://www.aexchange.net./en/
People can connect to the Internet and sell or purchurse orders at the end of the day 6 pm
It is not a really paralle to a stock/trading exchange
It takes continual trading in order to establish a price
Art is not easily tradable.
ring-fenced regulations 限制資金用途法規

2010/12/29 You&Yours Listening Notes

C1: assess winter resilence [U] (適應能力) ; travel disruption caused by volcanic ash cloud (火山灰) and cold snap (急凍)
C2: On-line deliveries: The cold weather in November was a boon to many online retailers
a spike in sth... = 急升...  (rise; surge; soar; go through the roof..)
in the comfort of your home 在家舒服地....
very much so
C3: Scalextric競速賽車 has been an iconic toy for many years but just because you grow up doesn't mean leaving those childhood pastimes behind.
circuits 賽車道 ; a scale model slot car racing 等同比例的模型 still holds appeal for middle-aged men with with a technical leaning.
Porsche 保時捷 Ferrari 法拉利 Lamborghini 藍寶堅尼  
memorabilia [pl] 收藏品
in a fraction of a second 速度極快地
songs by "Half Man Half Biscuit" Prague Away Kit
C4: Britain has experienced a running boom with tens of thousands signing up each year for city races and millions for the cancer research series, Race for Life.
Running is a easy entry sport  and one of the most accessible
run in singlet 運動背心 and jean shoes;  run for fitness 為健康而跑
entry fee 入場費
C5: brick-laying 砌磚 stone facing 石料砌面
A new apprenticeship aims to reacquaint craftsmen with the old skills.