2011年1月22日 星期六

2011/1/19 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1. 英格蘭及威爾斯地區的圖書館因地方預算刪減(disproportionate spending cut)而面臨倒閉(closure    
(1) No one is suggesting individual volunteering should take over the qualified librarianship.
C2: NHS biggiest reform/overhaul since it was created in 1945 英國國民健保改革
(1) All hospitals become foundation trusts and some even be franchised out to private sectors.
(2) privatisation 私有化
(3) to  insure there is no scrimping on the quality.

C3: lightbulbs 舊式燈泡將在 2012年九月全面在英國停止生產銷售(total phase-out)
(1) If you like your lightbulbs old style and bright , this will be your last chance to buy in some supermarkets like Cosco and B&Q.
(2) The two biggest supermarkets in the UK are putting out their last consignments  of  incandenscent lightbulbs (白熾燈泡) for sale.
(4)phase out the old lightbulbs like traditional 41 lightbulbs and 61 candle bulbs under the EU legislation.
(5) go out of circulation 停止流通
(6) Energy-saving halogen bulb can save enegy 30-50 percent
 C4: Rogue Taxis: Do we need new laws to clamp down on mini-cab drivers who break the rules.

C5: Bring your computer to work:
the inherent problems :(1) the issue of security : data protection
(2) employment law
(3) support

C6: First class lounges: 頭等車廂
(1) Why a first class train ticket sometimes means a less than first class
(2) add insult to injury 雪上加霜
(3) a wild card : 未知數

C7: Face the fact: the impact of the collapse of housing maintenance firm Connaught.

C8: 英國米其林指南100年
As the Michelin Guide celebrates, we look at its effect on the UK restaurant business.


