2011年1月3日 星期一

2010/12/21 All in the Mind Listening notes

(1) 四分之一的人有精神疾病 , 1/4數據(one-in-four figure)從何來?
It's a statistic that's almost as well-used and well-known as the entreaty to eat your five a day. 該數據跟"每日五蔬果"的訴求一樣的常用和熟悉
do some digging 搜尋...
gold standard  something which is very good and is used for measuring how good other similar things are.  黃金準則
It is hard to pin down....  很難確切說明....
a strking and memorable figure that is socially palatable 社會可接受的

a happy medium between striking the knots 折中辦法
paper over the complex issues and controversy 暫時掩蓋...
construe that as untreated epidemic 將...視為
undermine the credibility of the field in the long run 常期削弱該領域的可信度
inflated figure 過高的數據
(2) Thinking and focussing on your ancestors (tracing your family tree) can make you smarter ! 追根溯源讓你更聰明
do some pilot studies: 進行試驗性研究

