2011年1月11日 星期二

2011/1/10 You & Yours Listening Notes

C1: Car Insurance:
(1) come down on sb. = (informal) (no passive) to criticize sb severely or punish sb.
(2) Premiums will be lowered. 保險費用
(3) law-abiding (a.) 安份守己的
(4) a litany of rising cost 一連串的....
(5) to seize the vehicle 扣押車輛
(6) If you are not recorded by  DVLA, you can slip throught the net. 被漏掉
(7) do our  level best 盡最大努力
to try very hard to do something (often + to do sth) Tickets are quite hard to come by but I'll do my level best to get you one. (cited from the freedictionary ) 
(1)take the case to the court
(2)merger 合併
(3)buyout company 控股收購
(4)takeover 接管 收購
(5)A lone pensioner has taken on the might of an American private equity fund. The 71 year old investor turned up at an FSA hearing to put his case in the presence of the combined board of the Kent Reliance Building Society and US equity firm JC Flower.

C3: Playbutton: 像鈕扣別針(badge) 的MP3 player
(1)CDs are begining to get the way out.
(2)tangbile form of music
(3)lack of the flexibilty of the shuffling
(4)to skip the tracks; cherry pick the tracks
(5)to play its order that is written in
(6) compile her own album ; build up your own collection
(7) make your listeing habit anonymous
(8) an avid user of I-tune
(9)Control is in the back panel.
(10) Technology steps backwards.

(1) draft your will 擬定遺囑
(2) property or asset :
(3) inheritance:
(4) in defualt of the will 缺乏遺囑
(5) surving spouse 遺孀
(6) If you are counting on an inheritance from family based abroad be prepared for a long haul before you can get your hands on your bequest.
(7) have a good relationship with a townhall official
(8)people with connections  有關係門道的人
(9) different legal/ juristic systems 不同的法律制度
(10) repartiation 遣返
(11) go throught the process of legalization
(12) property boom 20 years ago
(13)pre-empt 先發制人 

C5: innocent until proven guilty 任何人在證明有罪前都是清白的  
(1) How people who have never been convicted of a crime are falling foul of Criminal Record Bureau checks. (CRB check: 犯罪紀錄)
(2) Having your CRB disclosure removed is expensive and time-consuming.
(3)to be uunfairly disadvantaged by the record
(4) serial rapers 連續強姦犯
(5) be tried but found not guilty  被審判但無罪
be arrested for ...因..被逮捕 
be charged with ... 正式控告
be accused of  被指責控訴
be detained  被拘留
be released without charge 無罪釋放
be convicted of 定罪
be acquitted of  宣判無罪
be paroled 假釋

C6: London Taxi in Paris:英國倫敦計程車引進法國
London taxi drivers are famous for doing something called the knowledge whereby they in theory know the map almost photographically ;they know every street and landmark.

C7: Power Poverty:
go into the red
economic 7 or 10 provided to tenants

