C1: General Medical Council Hearing: 英國全國醫學總會聽證會
We hear about the General Medical Council's plans to discipline doctors behind closed doors without having a full public hearing. Should patients be included in their deliberations?
(1) deliberations 商議 審議
(2) confrontational litigation system
C2: Contracts for Life: 終身合約代表的意義?
you buy a guarantee for life or sign up to a service for life, what does it mean? Does it cover you for the whole of your life, the life of the goods you've bought or the life of the contract?
(1) singularly unhelpful 異常地...
(2) offer me as a goodwill gesture
(3) tariff 價目表
(4) monthly direct debit 每月直接扣款
(5) a one-off offer 絕無僅有的
C3:Premium Water 高價瓶裝水
Winifred tastes some of the premium water brands being sold to consumers, including water from an iceberg 15,000 years old, and asks if it's worth splashing out.
(1) naturally carbonated water 天然氣泡礦泉水
(2) background reading
(3) high mineral-content water 含高度礦物質的
(4) bottled water 瓶裝水
(5) sparkling 起泡的
(6) blind tasting
(7) fizzy or still 氣泡或不起泡的
(8) tap water 自來水
(9) hold out 抵抗 倖存
(10) with plenty of body: 濃郁 香醇
(11) imperceptible (a.) 小得無法察覺的
C4: Energy Series: Wind: 綠能: 風力發電
(2) confrontational litigation system
C2: Contracts for Life: 終身合約代表的意義?
you buy a guarantee for life or sign up to a service for life, what does it mean? Does it cover you for the whole of your life, the life of the goods you've bought or the life of the contract?
(1) singularly unhelpful 異常地...
(2) offer me as a goodwill gesture
(3) tariff 價目表
(4) monthly direct debit 每月直接扣款
(5) a one-off offer 絕無僅有的
C3:Premium Water 高價瓶裝水
Winifred tastes some of the premium water brands being sold to consumers, including water from an iceberg 15,000 years old, and asks if it's worth splashing out.
(1) naturally carbonated water 天然氣泡礦泉水
(2) background reading
(3) high mineral-content water 含高度礦物質的
(4) bottled water 瓶裝水
(5) sparkling 起泡的
(6) blind tasting
(7) fizzy or still 氣泡或不起泡的
(8) tap water 自來水
(9) hold out 抵抗 倖存
(10) with plenty of body: 濃郁 香醇
(11) imperceptible (a.) 小得無法察覺的
C4: Energy Series: Wind: 綠能: 風力發電
As a study out this week says that UK wind farms operate at only 20% capacity, Kevin Mousley asks if it is worth generating wind power to generate energy in your home.
(1) take it off the shelf
(2) wind turbine 風力發電渦輪機
(3) densely populated area 人口密集區
(4) feed-in tariff 政府電力收購制度 = FIT
(5) CHP = combined heat and power
(1) take it off the shelf
(2) wind turbine 風力發電渦輪機
(3) densely populated area 人口密集區
(4) feed-in tariff 政府電力收購制度 = FIT
(5) CHP = combined heat and power