C1: Facebook Criminals: 聽障人士在臉書上遭詐騙
Deaf people are receiving fraudulent e-mails via Facebook inviting them to invest money in companies which - it is claimed - will give them impressive returns.
(1) freeze their assets 凍結資產
(2) cyber fraud 網路詐騙
(3) Make sure your password is hard to crack. 確保你的密碼難以破解
C2: Silver Prices: 銀價自2008年以來 已漲四倍
In times of economic uncertainty gold prices tend to rise but, in the last 8 years, silver has outperformed gold and has nearly quadrupled in value since 2008. Is silver a good investment?
(1) Gold is a deep, liquid market. 易變現的 (that can be changed into cash)
(2) Silver is a by-product of copper mining and even gold mining.
(3) derivative 衍生物
(4) It could be a bubble.
(5) to hedge against silver 避險..
(6) The currency is wobbly. 不穩定的
Deaf people are receiving fraudulent e-mails via Facebook inviting them to invest money in companies which - it is claimed - will give them impressive returns.
(1) freeze their assets 凍結資產
(2) cyber fraud 網路詐騙
(3) Make sure your password is hard to crack. 確保你的密碼難以破解
C2: Silver Prices: 銀價自2008年以來 已漲四倍
In times of economic uncertainty gold prices tend to rise but, in the last 8 years, silver has outperformed gold and has nearly quadrupled in value since 2008. Is silver a good investment?
(1) Gold is a deep, liquid market. 易變現的 (that can be changed into cash)
(2) Silver is a by-product of copper mining and even gold mining.
(3) derivative 衍生物
(4) It could be a bubble.
(5) to hedge against silver 避險..
(6) The currency is wobbly. 不穩定的
C3: No Room to Swing a Cat:
It has been revealed that our children are getting bigger but that train seats are getting smaller. Mark Stevenson muses on why spaces getting smaller even though we are getting larger.
It has been revealed that our children are getting bigger but that train seats are getting smaller. Mark Stevenson muses on why spaces getting smaller even though we are getting larger.
C4: Australian Coastal Cities: 澳洲沿海城市面臨大量人口移入
Coastal areas in eastern Australia are suffering from a spectacular population growth fuelled by migrants and people forced out of some of the world's most expensive cities. Phil Mercer reports.
(1) congestion 塞車
(2) crumbling infrastructure 崩塌的基礎建設
(3) be ballooned to a bursting point 膨脹到爆炸的程度
(4) unassuming 謙遜的
(5) extreme weather events, rising sea level ...
(6) the haves and the have-nots
(7) Most of it land is uninhabitable. 大部份土地不適人居
C5: School Budget Cuts: 預算刪減迫使Tewkesbury 中學每周五提早一小時下課
Tewkesbury School is going to close an hour early every Friday to save money. How will this affect the pupils and how are other schools coping with enforced budget cuts?
(1) new academic year : 新學年
Coastal areas in eastern Australia are suffering from a spectacular population growth fuelled by migrants and people forced out of some of the world's most expensive cities. Phil Mercer reports.
(1) congestion 塞車
(2) crumbling infrastructure 崩塌的基礎建設
(3) be ballooned to a bursting point 膨脹到爆炸的程度
(4) unassuming 謙遜的
(5) extreme weather events, rising sea level ...
(6) the haves and the have-nots
(7) Most of it land is uninhabitable. 大部份土地不適人居
C5: School Budget Cuts: 預算刪減迫使Tewkesbury 中學每周五提早一小時下課
Tewkesbury School is going to close an hour early every Friday to save money. How will this affect the pupils and how are other schools coping with enforced budget cuts?
(1) new academic year : 新學年
C6: Men with Eating Disorder: 因健保不再允許男女混合病房, 有厭食和暴食的男患者被安置在精神病房或其他科病房而非該專科病房
Because mixed gender wards are no longer allowed in hospitals, men with eating disorders are being placed on psychiatric and other medical wards rather than in specialist in-patient units.
Because mixed gender wards are no longer allowed in hospitals, men with eating disorders are being placed on psychiatric and other medical wards rather than in specialist in-patient units.