2011年3月22日 星期二

2011/3/16 You and Yours Listening Notes

C1: Southern Cross: Southern Cross 面臨安養院經營困境
Chief Executive Jamie Buchan on the future of Britain's biggest care home operator.
(1) 750 of care homes are run by Southern Cross which warns it can not survive in the long term.
(2) crystallization 明確 澄清
(3) Negotiating with the landlords is like herding cats.
(4) have a shining reputation
(5) break even 收支平衡

C2:  British apples: 英國蘋果市場:
As the Gala takes over from the Cox as our favourite English apple, we discuss the state of the British apple market.
(1) There is an upsurge of demand for locally-grown produce.
(2) union jet logo


C3: Ryanair to Allow complaints by e-mail: 英國廉價航空: 瑞安航空開放接受電子郵件型式的抱怨函 
What impact will it have on customers?

C4: Retail Conference: 零售業會議
Some of the biggest names in retail talk to our reporter Melanie Abbott.
(1) clued-up customers: 所知甚多的消費者 (savvy)

C5: Phone Charges: 在OFCOM 新規範下 打電話到手機話費可望下降
Prices for calls to mobiles are set to fall under new OFCOM rules.
Should there be a cap on mobile phone roaming charges worldwide - just as there are in Europe? 手機漫遊費用是否應該像在歐洲一樣有最高限額

C6: Malnutrition: 醫療院所的病人是否營養不良
The Patients Association launches a survey on nutrition - have your say.
(1) It is unpleasant and undignified to have patients lie in a wet bed.

C7: BBC 新報告探討什麼原因讓聽眾無法理解節目主持人?

A new BBC report shows that poor diction and regional accents are among the factors which prevent people from understanding TV presenters.
(1) background music, (背景音樂) regional accents, (地區發音差異) speaking too fast , poor pronounciation
(2) per se 本身
(3) It is not the question of accents but the question of how you deliver it.
(4) babble like a fool
(5) breathe right

